Chapter 2: I Don't Know What I'm To Say

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Once parked in Eddie Munson's yard, Steve sat in his car, contemplating if apologizing was even an option. Sure, it would be a nice thing for him to do, but he wouldn't mean it if he actually said sorry. He wouldn't mean it until Eddie truly made it up to him. Steve was hurt. He was genuinely hurt by Eddie's actions after leaving the Upside Down.

Steve sat there in his car, listening to the radio, as the sun started to go down in the trailer park. He was really going through a dilemma at the moment. Everyone else kept telling him that he should own up to his mistakes and ask Eddie for forgiveness, but at the same time, he felt that Eddie needed to apologize too. This was a two-way street. 

Eddie's trailer door opened as Steve went back and forth in his head, battling on what to do.

"Shit!" Steve whispered as he ducked down in his seat. He didn't know who was leaving the trailer, but he didn't want them to see him sitting here like a weirdo out in their yard. Ducking did not help, however, because only a few moments later, there was a knock on Steve's driver-side window before a voice rang out, "Harrington?"

Steve huffed, knowing he had been caught. So, he slowly sat in his seat and began rolling his window down. The jock then looked up and met the dangerous eyes of Eddie Munson.

"Hey, Munson." Steve smiled to the best of his ability. He felt a little sick being here, staring at the metalhead. He looked him up and down to see he was in ripped black jeans, old beat-up sneakers, a ripped-up band t-shirt, and a leather jacket. His hair was wild, and his eyes were smudged with eyeliner. As he was about to open his mouth to say something else, a movement behind the metalhead caused Steve's eyes to flicker to some guy getting into his car. The guy was leaving Eddie's house in a hurry with his shoes untied. Weird.

Eddie looked behind him and then back to Steve with (fear?) in his eyes. "That's, uhm, just a keyboard player. He was trying out for my band," he spoke, taking his bottom lip into his teeth.

"Right." Steve nodded, looking at the guy pull out of Eddie's yard and drive off.

"So, uh- why are you here?" Eddie asked as he scratched at the back of his neck. "Dustin's not here if you're looking for him."

This caused Steve's breath to catch as his emotions started to reach the surface.

"I'm here to talk to you," Steve said, turning off his car. "Watch out," he mumbled as he opened his car's door. He slammed it shut once he was out. He didn't care that his window was still down. If someone wanted to steal it, go ahead. His dad would buy him another.

"Do you want to come inside?" Eddie asked as he pointed to his trailer with his thumb.

"Yeah, sure." the jock sighed.

Eddie then nodded and walked off to head back inside. Steve followed him as he looked around the dark neighborhood. He noticed Max was home since the light in her bedroom was on.

Once the two boys stepped into Eddie's living room, Eddie closed the door behind him.

"Do you want anything to drink? I've got water, lemonade, uh- beer?" Eddie asked timidly as he walked into the kitchenette attached to the dingy living space.

"Beer, please." Steve requested as he sat down on a stained leather couch. Eddie handed it to him not a minute later, sitting down next to him.

"So, this is kind of a surprise?" Eddie started as he sipped from his bottle. "I didn't know Steve Harrington would come to my house this evening."

"Yeah, me either," Steve spoke as he lifted his eyebrows.

Eddie coughed a little to try and ease the tension. It was too silent.

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