Chapter 4: I'll Be Stumbling Away

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"No, no-" Steve spoke as he gestured to the next table over. "-put the snacks over there, Robin. I don't want the snacks near the sliding glass doors. That's closer to the bugs."

"Weirdo." Robin shook her head as she moved the cheese platter over to the table Steve had pointed to.

"I'm not weird; I'm just being mindful." Steve snapped.

"Hey, chill out, Steve. What's got your panties in a twist?" Robin asked with shock written all over her face as she turned to face him.

"I'm sorry." Steve sighed as he placed his hands on his hips. "I'm just on edge. I want this party to be perfect, Robin. Perfect."

"Eddie's going to enjoy himself either way," Robin spoke with an evil smirk.

"Robin!" Steve spoke, trying to shush her, even though no one else was in the house but the two of them. "There's no need to mention him by name like that. I don't need anyone knowing."

"Well, what the hell do you want me to call him? Becky?"

Steve's face almost lit up at the suggestion. He knew it was sarcasm, but the idea worked.

"Yes, call him Becky. That will be his code name. Whenever I'm freaking out over Ed-Becky, I'll call him that so no one else knows who I'm talking about." Steve nodded with a wide smile.

"I don't know, Steve..." Robin spoke as she walked over to grab the fruit tray from the kitchen counter it was sitting on.

"I need this." Steve pleaded. "I need this until I'm comfortable enough to say his name. You, of all people, should know what it's like to not be able to speak about your crush so openly."

"You're right." Robin agreed as she walked to the snack table with the fruit tray. "It's a sad fucking world we live in, Harrington."

"Then Becky it is." Steve nodded.

Robin just hummed as she continued to set up the snack bar, not really knowing what else to say. Steve took that as a chance to pour himself a drink. He was too tense and needed to loosen up before his friends arrived. He wanted to have a good time and not overthink his internal crisis about Eddie.

After about an hour of setting up, people started to arrive at Steve's house. Some were already drunk, some already high, and some were itching to be one or the other. Steve smiled as he looked around the crowded house of young adults. He was happy he still had game and could throw together a party.

"Hey, Steve." Steve heard from behind him as he admired the chaos. Steve turned to see Nancy smiling at him as she held hands with her boyfriend, Jonathan Byers.

"Hey, Nance." Steve smiled down at his ex-girlfriend. "Byers." He then spoke to Jonathan with a smile as well. He wasn't bitter about their relationship, even though Nancy was his ex. He could tell she and Jonathan were happy together, and he didn't want to ruin that- even if he did bring up having kids with her while they were fighting Vecna. Steve honestly thought that might of been his brains way of trying to deny his gay feelings for Eddie.

"Hey, Harrington." Jonathan smiled back. "Sick party."

"Thanks." Steve smiled proudly.

"Do you know anyone who's selling?" Jonathan then asked more quietly.

"Munson was invited. Just wait for him to show." Steve spoke as his heart fluttered a bit from saying Eddie's name.

"Okay, great." Jonathan smiled.

"Let's dance," Nancy shouted over the thumping music, pulling Jonathan to the dance floor. Before they totally disappeared into the crowd, Nancy gave Steve one last smile, which Steve returned.

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