Chapter 14: You're All The Things I've Got To Remember

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WARNING: This chapter contains the F slur and touches on religious beliefs. Please read cautiously. 

"Thanks for taking me to Mike's," Dustin spoke as soon as he shut the door to Steve's car.

"You've got to get that tire fixed on your bike, man." Steve sighed as he waited for Dustin to buckle up.

"I'm not rich like you, Steve," Dustin spoke, whining the older boy's name like he always did when he was annoyed.

"I can help you fix it?"

"You're not a mechanic."

"I have money, Henderson."

"No- no, I couldn't ask you to do that." Dustin shook his head. "I can't pay you back."

"You don't need to pay me back." Steve shrugged.

"Well- I can't have you pay for something of mine."

"Dustin, you realize I waste gas whenever I pick you up, right? Do you really think buying a bike tire for you will create weird tension in our friendship?"

Dustin sat there for a minute and thought about what Steve had said. After a moment, he started nodding. "Yeah, okay. I guess- only if you want- you can help buy my tire for my bike."

"What's the tire that you need?"

"I have a kids BMX."

"I'll see what I can do." the older boy stated as he finally backed out of the kid's driveway. As Steve drove down Dustin's neighborhood, he side-eyed Dustin to see him playing with a string on his jacket. He looked uncomfortable. The kid's eyes were drooped, his face trying to not be seen by Steve, but it was no use, clearly.

"If you don't want me to buy your tire, I won't," Steve spoke with raised eyebrows. He was a little shocked that Dustin was so worried about something like paying Steve back. He's never been worried before.

"It's not that." Dustin sighed.

Okay- something was definitely off. Dustin Henderson was never the guy to be borderline speechless about something. This had Steve worried to no end- anxious like he's never been anxious before. Were they back- were the Demogorgons back? Was Vecna back? Steve saw Vecna die. He got pulled to pieces by El's mind. They can't be back- they can't be!

"What is it?" Steve braced himself, not sure if he wanted to hear the answer.

"I think I'm going to break up with Suzie."

Steve relaxed a little, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. After a second, Steve finally processed what Dustin had said.

"Why do you want to break up with Suzie? Isn't she, like, the love of your life?"

"She is." Dustin nodded- and that's when Steve heard it, a sniffle.

Steve gently pulled off to the road's side- he was learning. After putting the car in park, he turned to his sniffling friend with a frown. "If you love her, why are you breaking up with her?"

"Because I'm not Mike-" Dustin spoke, voice breaking ever so slightly.

Steve raised an eyebrow in udder confusion. "What's Mike got to do with it- wait- does Suzie like Mike?"

"No, Steve." Dustin sighed, tears now fully streaming down his face.

"Then what's he got to do with it?"

"I'm not Mike-" Dustin spoke, wiping off his tears from his cheeks. "-I'm not Lucas, I'm not Will, I'm not Jonathan, I'm not Eddie, I'm not you." the kid's voice broke on the last word, a shaky breath escaping his lips. Dustin's shoulders were shaking as his sobs started to deepen. "You're all so- so handsome and charming and everything I wish I could be."

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