Chapter 3: So Needless To Say, I'm Odds And Ends

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"I'm really doing this, aren't I?" Steve asked himself aloud as he looked himself over in his en suite bathroom mirror.

He cocked his head to the side as he looked over his outfit. He wore blue jeans, a light blue crewneck, and white sneakers. He looked like a total nerd, at least that's what Eddie would think. If someone would have told Steve last week that he'd be worried about what Eddie Munson thought of his outfit, he'd say they were full of shit, but here he is, looking himself over in the mirror, worried if Eddie will think he's dressed like a preppy rich kid. Steve is a preppy rich kid, but still, he wanted to seem more remarkable than that.

With one more look in the mirror, Steve rolled his eyes and turned off the light so he could head to pick up the kids who were all over at Dustin's house. When he had reached his car, after turning on the radio, he pulled out of his driveway and headed that way, trying not to focus on his rapid heartbeat at seeing Munson tonight.

Steve was worried about seeing him, yes, because he may have a crush on him that he didn't realize he had until yesterday, but also because the last time he saw the metalhead, they got into a fight. If the roles were reversed, Steve didn't know if he'd be okay seeing someone who insulted him.

As anxiety crept into Steve's chest, he pulled into Henderson's driveway. After a deep breath, he honked his horn, letting the shitheads know he was there waiting on them. About three minutes later, Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Will, El, and Max were running out of Dustin's front door for Steve's car.

"Hey, watch yourself," Steve spoke as Lucas' hand collided with the back of Steve's head as the kid crawled his way over a few bodies to fit into the car, being the last one to try and squish in. Dustin sat up front, Lucas, Mike, and Max sat in the back seat, and El and Will sat in the trunk. Steve decided to take his mother's station wagon to fit everyone in. "Are you all ready?" he asked over the loud chatters of the children. After only two answered with, "Yes!" Steve pulled out of Henderson's driveway and headed for the arcade.

"Are you going to play any games with us, Steve?" Dustin asked, turning to the older boy.

"No." Steve shook his head. "I plan on drinking a soda and eating some pizza while I watch you, twerps."

"You won't play just one game with us?" the younger boy asked with large puppy dog eyes.

"Maybe." Steve rolled his eyes. "Depends on how good the pizza is. That will determine my mood."

Dustin smiled, knowing he had Steve wrapped around his finger for the night.

By the time Steve was pulling into the arcade, he was glad to see Eddie leaning up against what Steve presumed to be the metalhead's very own car. Steve was already regretting volunteering to drive all of the maniacs himself. The kids were screaming, singing, and laughing. He couldn't take being the only adult anymore. He needed maturity.

Once he parked, he ripped himself out of the car to escape the confined space with all the kids. Eddie laughed a little as he saw Steve's face.

"I could've driven a few," Eddie spoke as Steve walked up.

"Yeah, you could've offered, Munson." Steve huffed with an eye roll. He could feel Eddie stiffen next to him and Steve immediately regretted the harsh tone he used. Old habits die hard, the jock guesses. "I'm sorry," Steve said, glancing over to the rocker. "Didn't mean to be harsh. They just drove me crazy on the way over here."

Eddie nodded as he coughed to ease the awkwardness made by Steve.

"Eddie!" Dustin yelled as he ran to his new friend. "I'm so glad you agreed to come!"

Eddie held out his arms, and Dustin ran right into them. Steve frowned. He wasn't mad that Dustin and Eddie were hugging, but he was mad at himself for letting his feelings get in the way of their connection.

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