Epilogue: I'll Be Coming For Your Love

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"I don't know, Ed-" Steve started as he cocked his head to the side, looking at the item his boyfriend was holding up. Eddie had a gigantic smile stretched across his face, wiggling his eyebrows. "-I think that's a little much."

"How is it too much?" Eddie quizzed as he rolled the item in between his fingers. "It's meaningful, lasts forever, and is something the kid will freak out about."

"It's just- so expensive." Steve sighed, shoulders slumping.

"True, but this is Henderson's 16th birthday we are talking about." Eddie pushed on. "You only turn 16 once."

"You turn every age only once."

"Steven." Eddie huffed, putting his hands on his hips. Steve chuckled as he watched his boyfriend take the "Steve Harrington" annoyed pose. Eddie's been spending too much time with him. "I think we should get the kid this ring. He's always talking about how much he likes mine- and the one I bought for you."

Steve looked down then at the ring Eddie bought for him. It wasn't super bulky like Eddie's, but it was a lot- very shiny and noticeable. The jock looked up to Eddie and shook his head as he said, "You're killing me, Edward." Eddie grimaced as Steve used his full name, but that's what he gets after using Steve's legal name. "Fine. I'll get Dustin the ring."

"I knew you'd come around," Eddie spoke, reaching out to cup the side of Steve's head. He pulled Steve over a little and placed a wet kiss on his forehead. The boys heard a few gasps from around the store, but they didn't care. Eddie let go of Steve and bounced off to the checkout counter with the ring in hand. After Steve paid, and Eddie promised to pay him half for it once his paycheck got in from the plant, they walked out of the store and to the van. They got in and drove home so they could wrap Dustin's gift. Well- so Robin could come over and wrap the gift. They didn't have the skill for it.

"You two really are men, aren't you?" Robin rolled her eyes, and she wrapped the ring.

"What do you mean by that, Buckley?" Eddie scuffed.

"Because Henderson's birthday party is today, and you're just now buying his gift and wrapping it," she spoke, a dead look in her eyes.

"Okay, yeah." the metalhead nodded. "You caught us. Just don't go parading that around at the party. The ring is super meaningful, and that might ruin the meaning for Dustin- you know- because we bought it the day of his party."

"Yeah, I'm not stupid. I won't say anything." the girl said as she stood and handed over the present. "Here, dinguses."

"Are we ready to go now?" Steve asked, standing from off of Eddie's stained sofa.

"Certainly." Eddie beamed. The metalhead grabbed Steve's hand with his free one and dragged him outside. Robin motioned Vickie to follow. After all of them piled into the van, the two couples were off to Dustin Henderson's 16th birthday party. When they arrived, they walked into the boy's house without a knock.

"Steve! Eddie! Robin! Vickie!" Dustin shouted everyone's names as a greeting. He ran to them and hugged each of his guests individually. "I'm so glad you guys could make it!"

"Of course, dingus." Robin smiled as Dustin let go of her, his last stop on the hug train.

"Where are the snacks?" Eddie asked, intertwining his fingers with Steve's.

Dustin rolled his eyes playfully as he pointed to his back patio. "That way."

Eddie nodded and dragged Steve outside to the snack table. Steve giggled behind the fast-moving man. When they reached the food, Eddie grabbed a plate and began to pile on all his favorites: fruit (thanks to Steve), cookies, chips, and miniature hot dogs. After his paper plate was loaded, Steve and he walked over to Dustin's fire pit. They sat next to each other on the bench near the pit; Steve cuddled into Eddie's side, his head resting on Eddie's leather-covered shoulder.

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