Chapter 11: I'll Be Coming For You Anyway

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Warning: This chapter talks about abuse and drugs.

"What did I tell you, Steve?" Robin spoke matter-of-factly as she flipped through a magazine while the two waited for a customer to enter Family Video. "Picking up Eddie from the hospital was the right thing to do."

"Yeah- yeah." Steve waved off with an eye roll. "You were right. Happy?"

"Very." the girl smirked.

Steve just shrugged off her smugness and continued to restock the horror shelves, smiling whenever he'd run across a Jaws movie- very aware that the franchise was now ruined forever for him. He'd always think of the metalhead when it came to this movie. He just hopes it'll never make him sad one day.

As Steve did his job, trying to pass the hours by, the bell rang throughout the store, letting the jock know that a customer had walked in. When Robin didn't greet the customer, he was a little stunned. He would- but he was at the back of the store now, so he'd have to shout to great them.

As he considered shouting since Robin had seemed to abandon the store's policy- Steve jumped in fright from a pair of hands coming from behind him to cover his eyes. Steve reached up and grabbed onto the hands- only to be met with cold metal instead of skin... Eddie.

"Guess who?" Eddie whispered into Steve's ear softly- sweetly.

"Rob Lowe?"

"You're an idiot." Eddie laughed as he took his hands away from Steve's eyes and spun the jock around to face him.

"Obviously, I knew it was you." Steve smiled as he cocked his head to the side to look over Eddie's healing face. The bruises were still a little green but weren't as bad as before.

Eddie bit his lip as he watched Steve's eyes travel down his face.

"Steve-" Eddie spoke softly as his cheeks heated up.

Steve could see Eddie was getting giddy under his stare, so he turned his head away and looked down the aisle with a smile that couldn't seem to go away. It was like he had a hanger in his mouth. "So- why are you here?" he asked after a moment.

"I just wanted to drop by and say hi. I got bored at the house." Eddie shrugged.

"Oh? So I'm only an option when you're bored?" the jock asked looking back over to Eddie.

"If that's how you want to take it- sure." the rocker joked.

Steve nodded and then turned to continue putting the movies back onto the shelves.

"I also came here because I thought you'd like some lunch," Eddie spoke after a quick pause in their conversation.

"You brought me lunch?" Steve blushed as he glanced at the metalhead, only for a moment before turning back to the shelves.

"I made us peanut butter and banana sandwiches. I know you said I needed to eat more fruit, so I made this. Plus- I wasn't going to eat it without you forcing me, so that's why I'm here, and-" Eddie rambled, obviously nervous that he stepped over some sort of boundary with Steve, but the jock covered Eddie's mouth with his hand to get him to shut up.

"Did you bring chips?"

Eddie nodded.

"What kind?"

"Plain," Eddie mumbled into Steve's hand.

"Sounds good to me. Want to eat lunch now?"

Eddie nodded.

Steve removed his hand from Eddie's mouth and motioned for him to follow Steve to the breakroom. As the jock unlocked the door, he shouted, "I'm taking my lunch break, Robin! Watch the store for me!"

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