Chapter 12: Today Is Another Day To Find You

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"Well- this is me." Steve joked as Eddie walked him up to his front door. Eddie chuckled a little. "Would you like to come inside for some... coffee?"

"What are you doing, Harrington?" Eddie laughed out right this time.

"I'm acting like they do in the movies. I've never had someone walk me to my door before."

"You're too cute," Ed whispered, eyes running all over Steve's face.

"Seriously, would you like to come in?" Steve whispered back. "I'd really like it if you could."

"I'll come in, but I can't stay long."

"Got another hot date?"

"With my guitar, yeah."

Steve raised an eyebrow.

"I've got to clean her and tune her. I'm playing a gig tomorrow."

This sparked Steve's interest.

"You've got a gig tomorrow?"

"Would you like to come?"

"If you'd like me to come, I will."

"Then I'll see you at The Hideout at 7 sharp."

"I'll be there." Steve smiled as he unlocked his front door.

The two boys walked into Steve's house. After Steve shut the door, he sighed and turned to Eddie, whose eyes wandered around his front corridor.

"What are you looking at?" Steve wondered.

"I haven't seen your house so- clean. The last time, I was hungover and stepping over beer cans and silly string."

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah. It's really nice- comforting."

Steve smiled wider as he stepped closer to Eddie, grabbing his hands. He squeezed tight when he said, "Most of this stuff is outdated. My parents haven't really been around to change it. Sometimes I wish they'd change it."

"I'll bring over some posters. You can plaster them along the staircase wall for a start?"

Steve laughed.

"What? I'm being serious?" Eddie asked, smiling a cocky smile.

"Bring over the worst of the worst, and I'll hang them up here."

"You've got yourself a deal," Eddie spoke as he leaned in and connected his lips with Steve's. The kiss only lasted a few minutes before Steve broke away.

"I actually would like some coffee," Steve spoke, taking Eddie's hand and leading him to the kitchen, the metalhead trailing behind with a confused expression.

"You want coffee this late at night?"

"Yeah. I think it will help distract me."

"Distract you? From what?"

Steve didn't answer. He dropped Eddie's hand, went to his coffee pot, and turned it on. He gathered his dark roast from Italy and then started the brew.

"Eddie, would you be a dear and get two mugs?"

Eddie nodded, still with a confused look plastered onto his face, and got two mugs from the "cup" cabinet in Steve's house. Steve's stomach fluttered when he realized Eddie didn't need to ask where the mugs were.

Eddie placed the two mugs next to Steve as the jock waited for the coffee to get done brewing. Eddie went to the fridge and got Steve's creamer as he waited. After, he went to the pantry and got the jock's sugar. Steve thanked his boyfriend- god, Eddie was his boyfriend- for the condiments. Eddie smiled and leaned in to kiss Steve's cheek. He didn't stop there, however. Eddie started to trail kisses along his jaw, down his neck, and even along his shoulder blade. The coffee maker went off as Eddie grabbed onto Steve's waist to turn him around. Steve scooched away from Eddie and poured the hot coffee into both mugs. After, he handed Eddie his black coffee, and then he made up his own.

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