Chapter 6: Oh, The Things That You Say

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The following day, Steve woke up in Eddie's bed alone. It took him a moment to realize that he woke up without Eddie's alarm. The jock shot up once he realized this and grabbed his watch off Eddie's nightstand. He was supposed to get up at 7:00 AM and saw that it was 6:57 AM, meaning he hadn't missed the alarm.

Where the hell was Eddie then?

Steve got out of bed and walked into the hallway of the trailer. A few moments later, he realized the shower was running in the bathroom just down the hall from Eddie's room. Steve smiled to himself as he walked back into the bedroom. When he got in there, he crawled back under the sheets to wait for the metalhead to return so he could use the shower next.

About ten minutes after Steve turned off the blaring alarm, Eddie made his way into the bedroom in nothing but a grey towel wrapped around his lean waist.

"Good morning, Harrington." the rocker smiled.

"Good morning to yourself, Munson." Steve laughed. "I wasn't expecting you to be up before the alarm."

"Yeah, well, I knew you'd want to shower before your shift." Eddie shrugged as he made his way over to his dresser. "It's open now for you to use. I think I managed to save you some hot water."

"I appreciate that." Steve smiled as he got out of bed again and went to the bathroom.

Eddie nodded with a hum as he rummaged through his drawers for his outfit of the day. Steve then quickly entered the shower and was out within 12 minutes. After wrapping a red towel around himself, he walked into Eddie's room, realizing he didn't have a change of clothes. Before he could say anything, Eddie pointed to a stack of folded clothes on the foot of his bed that the rocker had laid out for Steve. Steve thanked him while grabbing onto the pile. He then returned to the bathroom to change.

Steve looked himself over in the bathroom with a pounding heart after his clothes were on. The day's outfit consisted of the only pair of blue jeans Eddie owned (from Steve's guess) and a faded Rolling Stones shirt. Steve felt ridiculous in the band shirt but was over the moon to be dressed in something of Eddie's.

"What do you think?" Steve asked as he walked back into Eddie's room, showing off his outfit.

"I think you look great." Eddie nodded, eyes trailing up the jock's body. "I thought you'd like the Stones." he then pointed to the shirt. "The shirts my uncles, not mine. I didn't think you could handle wearing an Iron Maiden tee."

Steve bit back a smile while looking at Eddie's cocky expression. His eyes then trailed down Eddie's outfit and noticed Eddie was wearing an Iron Maiden shirt paired with a red and black flannel. "Is that what that is?" he questioned, pointing to the shirt.

Eddie looked down and nodded. "Yeah, that's Iron Maiden. Have you heard of them before?"

"No." Steve shook his head as he took his watch from Eddie's dresser to put it on.

"You're in for a real treat then." Eddie grinned as he got up.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm driving to the diner. We can listen to them on the way."

"Alright." Steve agreed as he followed Eddie out to his car. Once they buckled in, Eddie pulled out of his lawn. Once they made it to the stop sign in front of the trailer park, Eddie pushed play on his stereo. A loud guitar riff sounded through the van's metal walls as Eddie sped out onto the road. "This song is called The Trooper. I don't want to hear your thoughts until it's done."

Steve nodded as he listened to the guitar and drums thumping through his ears. When the lead singer began singing on the track, Steve almost bopped along to the sound. He was surprised at himself for liking it so much. It wasn't near his usual Blondie and Duran Duran mixtapes, but it was good. It was almost, dare he say... sexy.

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