Chapter 7: You're Shying Away

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"Does this work, or does it look stupid?" Robin asked as she stepped out of her closet for what seemed to be the thousandth time, Steve concluded.

"Robin Buckley, you look great. I promise." Steve spoke as he looked at Robin's nervous face. This always happened when Robin was about to hang out with Vickie. Even though the two girls had kissed at Steve's party, she still would panic whenever she would see Vickie. They weren't in a relationship yet; this was still new to the two girls. Robin didn't want to be the reason they didn't work out.

"Are you telling the truth?" Robin asked as she tugged on her blouse. For Robin to wear anything other than a tee-shirt or a polo was a big freaking deal.

This Vickie girl better not break her heart. Steve thought.

"I promise, Robin. You know I don't break my promises." Steve smiled softly at his anxious-ridden friend.

Robin then nodded and slipped into her shoes. Steve got up with a clap, excited to finally drive to the fairgrounds. He and Robin swiftly walked out of Robin's room and found themselves outside within seconds, both walking extremely fast out of excitement and nerves.

Steve pulled out of the driveway once both of them got buckled in, and then he was speeding off. As the trees passed, however, getting closer and closer to the carnival, absolute fear and panic began to flow through Steve's body. He began to shake a bit while his palms became very sweaty.

"I don't think you should talk to Eddie anymore," Steve suggested as he and Robin neared the Hawkins' Fair, where the two of them were meeting the kids, Eddie, and Vickie.

"Why? Didn't you think it was a great idea the other day?" Robin cocked her head to the side as her eyebrows knitted together.

Steve didn't answer her question. He tightly gripped his stirring wheel, which was hard to do with his sweaty palms. Anyone could guess that Steve was nervous over seeing Eddie tonight. He had told Robin to scope Eddie out to see if he liked men, but now the jock didn't think it was such a bright idea. What if Eddie didn't like guys? Steve would be crushed. What if Eddie liked guys but didn't like Steve? That would be even worse than Eddie being straight. Steve didn't want to find out either answer.

"Steve, it's better to know than not know." Robin sighed, seeming to have read Steve's mind. That always freaked Steve out. The girl knew himself better than he did. Maybe she was a witch? It wouldn't be too far off since Steve's come to know that monsters really do exist- thank you to the Upside Down.

"But what if he's straight, or worse, is gay and doesn't like me?" the jock sounded small. He's never been unconfident about relationships, so why was it so different with Eddie Munson? Steve always took charge with Nancy, Heidi, Linda, and even Carol when he had that short fling with her during her breakup with Tommy. Why was Eddie different?

"Like I said, would you rather find out now and be able to move on if it doesn't work out, or would you rather pine after him the rest of your life and never know if things could have worked out for the best?"

"I'd rather pine."

Robin rolled her eyes and not in a playful way.

"Fine, Steve. I won't talk to him."

"Thanks," Steve whispered as he leaned his left elbow onto his window. He then rested his head in his hand while he steered with his right.

Was Robin right? Should he just get it over with tonight?


Steve can't take the heartbreak.

He hasn't had these intense feelings since Nancy, and she broke his heart. She called their relationship and Steve himself bullshit. What if Eddie did the same thing to him in the future? What if Eddie got fed up with Steve's drama? What if he ended up thinking their relationship is bullshit too?

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