Chapter 10: Take On Me

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"You're telling me you kissed Eddie Munson?" Robin asked, disbelief clearly painted across her face.

"Yes. That's exactly what I'm telling you, Robin." Steve nodded, his own face looking like he didn't believe his own story.

"You did all this while he was in the hospital?"


"Well, god damn, Steve. I didn't think you'd have it in you."

"Ouch," Steve spoke, bringing his hand up to his heart. "You wound me."

"And you've been spending too much time with Eddie." the girl laughed as she clicked through the Family Video computer. "Have you two talked since the kiss?"

"No." the jock sighed. "I haven't seen him for the last two days. I've been busy with my parents and with work."

"When does he get released?"

"Today, I think."

"Are you going to pick him up from the hospital?"


Robin gave Steve a weird look.

"Should I be picking him up?" the jock asked, scratching the back of his head.

"Uh- yeah?" the girl looked at Steve with a duh expression.

"You don't think he'll find it weird- me being there?"

"Why would he find it weird?"

"I don't know." the boy shrugged. "Maybe he thinks I'm like obsessed with him or something if I show up to drive him home."

"You're insane, Steve." Robin huffed with an eye-roll. "Go to the damn hospital and pick Eddie up."

"Fine." the jock huffed back.

"I'll cover your closing shift. You can go now. We aren't going to be busy tonight."

"Why not?"

"There's a new John Hughes movie coming out tonight. I think it's called Farris Bueller's Day Off? It looks okay. I might take Vickie out to go see it after my shift."

"Alright, as long as you're okay with letting me go so early."

"I'm cool with it, Stevie. Go get your man." Robin teased with a wink.

"Shut up." Steve laughed as he walked to the back to clock out. Once he punched his code, he walked back to his friend. He leaned in and gave her a kiss on her cheek. She just batted him away and told him to leave.

Once Steve made it out to his car, after letting out a breath, he didn't realize he was holding; he then put his car in drive and left the Family Video parking lot. The trip to the hospital wasn't long, but it felt like it took him hours to arrive. He was so nervous, and he didn't even know why. He and Eddie liked each other; this was a mutual thing. So, why was Steve feeling so exposed as he walked into the hospital?

"Hi, I'm here to take Edward Munson home," Steve spoke to a male receptionist.

"Are you related to Mr. Munson?" the older man asked.

"I'm his brother, Steven Munson." Steve internally cringed at calling himself Eddie's brother. Brothers do not kiss like that. He thought as images of him sticking his tongue down Eddie's throat appeared in his brain. 

"Okay. He's in room 1410."

"Yes, thank you." Steve smiled as he turned to the elevators. Once he was in the confined space, panic began to set in again. What was he doing? Was Eddie really going to appreciate his efforts in coming to pick him up?

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