Chapter 8: We're Talking Away

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Robin never showed the day after the carnival when Steve and she were supposed to work together. So, Steve was stuck working with Keith- the no-good, disgusting, unhygienic man that hired Robin and him at Family Video. In the days that Steve worked with Keith, he thought about quitting and returning to college like his parents wanted. The man was insufferable.

"That's not where that goes," Keith complains as Steve puts an empty box on the counter.

"I know it's supposed to go to the dumpster, but I don't want to do it right this second, Keith." Steve huffs with an eye roll.

"I don't care. Throw it away."

Steve doesn't move.

"Now, Steve."

Steve snatches the empty box off of the counter and stomps away to the dumpster outside.

"I can't stand that fucking guy." Steve seethes as he throws the empty box into the smelly dumpster. "I'm going to kill Robin when I see her."

The jock took a big breath after watching the box fall into the trash and then turned and went back inside. He was met with Keith calling his name.

"What, Keith?" Steve whined. "I threw away the box like you asked."

"There's someone on the phone for you." the revolting man pointed.

Steve walked over to the phone and said a sharp "What?" when he answered.

"Geez, Steve. What's wrong with you?" Dustin asked over the line.

"Robin never showed for work." the jock almost grunted.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry, man."

"Why are you calling, Henderson?" Steve asked, trying to get right to the point. Obviously, the kid wanted something from him.

"Can you take me to Max's trailer tonight?"

"What happened to your bike? Can't you ride it to her place?"

"No. My tire blew this morning. I ran over a nail."

Steve wanted to be upset about wasting gas and time to take Dustin to Max's, but the man got a little excited when he thought about being across the street from Eddie. Maybe he'd pop over and say a quick hello.

"Why do you even need to go over there tonight?" Steve pushed on to try and seem like he wasn't excited about going to the trailer park tonight.

"The groups having a sleepover there, but I need to be there early to help Max set up the D&D campaign we are going to play."

"Alright, twerp. I'll drop you off."

"Yes! Thank you, Steve." the boy cheered.

"I'll pick you up around 6 o'clock, okay?"

"Yes!" Dustin yelled and hung up not a second later.

Steve smiled a little as he put the phone down.

"I thought that was an emergency. The kid sounded in pain." Keith spoke up not a minute later.

"No, it wasn't an emergency."

"No personal phone calls unless it's an emergency, Harrington."

Steve bit back a nasty comment. He didn't need to get fired. He needed this job.

"This shift needs to be over with already," Steve mumbled to himself as he walked to the back room to get another box to unload onto the shelves of the movie store.


To Steve's pleasure, his shift ended rather quickly after getting a rush after lunch. Now, he was standing in his room, panicking over what to wear, for when he popped over to Eddie's place to say hello.

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