chapter 1

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My girlfriend decided to take me out to dinner since we've been going through some rough patches. It was a really fancy restaurant. I don't really like going out but it seems like everyone is always forcing me to.

My baby looked sooo good tonight. I was staring like crazy.

"Bey you good?" Saweetie asked with a nervous laugh

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"Bey you good?" Saweetie asked with a nervous laugh. I mean could you really blame me for staring, just look at her.

"yea im straight just admiring your beauty." She started smiling so hard and that made me smile.

Me and saweetie were actually having a good time. It's been a minute since we actually went out. The waiter came and asked what we wanted. We were so deep in convo I forgot we were even at a restaurant. I ordered the garlic butter steak and potatoes skillet. Saweetie ordered some alfredo pasta.

Eventually our food came and everything was going great. The food was good and saweetie was talking about her wanting kids and us being a little family.

I wouldn't mind and the thought of my own little family made me smile. In the middle of talking saweeties phone started to ring, she hung up immediately and I didn't pay it any mind. The phone started to ring again she still didn't answer and the fourth time they called I started to get mad. "Saweetie who tf is that blowing you up" I hissed. "Nobody", Saweetie said rolling her eyes. "Bit- Saweetie stop fucking playing with me" I yelled. "I swear its nobo-"

I stormed off in the middle of her talking, i wasn't for the bullshit.

I made my way to the bathroom and my eyes were immediately drawn to the women in front of me. She was drop dead gorgeous!

"Um can i help you with something?" The women asked with a confused look on her face

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"Um can i help you with something?" The women asked with a confused look on her face.

I was staring again. I think I gotta staring problem. "Has anyone ever told you how gorgeous you were?" I asked with a stupid smile on my face. Fuck that was so corny I said to myself. "why thank you" she said with a smile on her face. I would risk it all for them dimples.

"What's your name pretty?" I know I gotta girlfriend and all, but I had too. "onika" she said with a laugh and walked out. hmm Onika I like that i said thinking to myself.

I walked back to the table with saweetie and I was pissed all over again.

See the thing is me and saweetie have been together for about 8 months now these pass few months she been being veryyy sneaky. For example she turns her phone over whenever she's with me, she changed her password on me she's been canceling plans on me last minute and a couple of weeks ago she came back smelling like a nigga. I'm praying Saweetie's not dumb enough to actually be cheating on me. She knows im crazy and she know I'll kill her and that nigga.

"Beyonce?" saweetie said snapping me back to reality. I looked at her and rolled my eyes. "I swear they ain't nobody important i didn't answer because I wanted to give you all my attention" saweetie said with tears in her eyes. "Please save that shit shawty" I said pulling out my phone.

Saweetie was still talking but I wasn't listening to shit she was saying. I checked my instagram and I seen a new follower it was onika. I started to blush. " what tf you looking at?" Saweetie hissed. "Saweetie please" I said laughing.

The waiter came to our table and I asked for the check. I paid and we left. The only thing I had on my mind was onika, I just know this isn't the end of her.

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