Chapter 20

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October 26, 2021 (same day)
Houston, Tx
Bey's POV

"Hello?... Baby calm down!!" I couldn't even understand what she was saying.

"Nika baby calm down for me and tell me what happened." I continued.

"Ok ok.. So tell me why I went in the restaurant and I was looking for megan and guess who she was sitting with."



"Say you swear" Now i'm mad I forgot all about that bitch. It's like she don't get the hint i've moved on.

"Yo i'm deadass!" Nicki was screaming at this point. She was letting her New York accent slip out."

"Alright then what happened after that?"

"I went over there and I was like " Megan What the fuck??" Then Megan just sat there with a blank face.

"Ok baby just come home." I didn't want Nika to be any more stressed than she already was.

I could hear Nik crying in the background before she hung up. When she got to my house she stormed up stairs to my restroom and slammed the door.

She was in there for a long time, but I wasn't going to bother her until i heard throwing up noises.

I barged in the bathroom and held her hair up for her. It was the least I could do.

Once I helped Nicki get all cleaned up. We at in my bed so we could talk.

"Ok baby now that you're calm can you please explain to me what happened."

"I walked in the restaurant and I saw Meg sitting with another women, but I couldn't see who it was from the entrance."

"I walked closer and it was that bitch Saweetie. I was so heated and that's when i asked Megan what the fuck was wrong with her and Saweetie just sat their laughing."

"I swear i'm so sick of that bitch." I spat.

I started rubbing Nicki's back because I know this whole situation was stressing her, especially because Megan was supposed to be like a sister to her.

I honestly was never a big fan of Megan she always gave me weird vibes.

After we finished that conversation I put on How to get away with Murder until we both fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the Night because i'm a light sleeper. I was scrolling through instagram when I noticed Nicki's phone lit up.

I looked over because I'm nosey as hell. It was a text from an unknown number.

:You looked so fucking sexy tonight, I couldn't keep my eyes off you.

Immediately after that I was heated. My eye started twitching and i just wanted to kill whoever it was that sent that message.

Idk who would sit there and text my wife something like that but now im mad.

I went to the kitchen and started pacing back and fourth with Nicki's phone in my hand.

I don't know what to do i'm honestly stuck. I decided to just call them and see who it was.

The phone rung for about three times then someone finally answered.

"Hello Nik?" It was some random nigga's voice.

"Who tf is this" I was trying not to yell.

"Uhh where's Nicki?"

"Minding her business. Don't text this phone again or thats yo ass." I hung up before he could even respond.

It wasn't much else I could do at the moment so I just went back to sleep.

Nicki's Pov
I woke up and Bey was still knocked out. I decided yo get up wash myself and start cooking some breakfast.

I was in the middle of making breakfast when Bey came and got behind me and started kissing my neck.

Her clingy ass.

"Good morning to you too" I said with a slight laugh.

I had these little ass booty shorts on bey couldn't not control herself. Her hands never left my ass.

"Bey can you move?"

"You got these lil ass shorts on and gone tell me move"

Bey was all against me and she was hard as a rock. Now I was finna tease her.

I waked to the oven to pull the biscuits out and bent down extra low just because i knew she was watching.

When i stood back up and placed the biscuits down Bey pinned me against the kitchen island and started whispering in my ear.

"Quit playing with me before i fuck the shit outta you." That just turned me on so bad.

I turned around to walk back to the kitchen and bey smacked my ass hard asf.

We finished breakfast and I left. I had other work and I didn't need bey distracting me. Bey is most likely coming to my house tn she's been extra protective since she found out i'm pregnant.

I got home and got to work since my fashion show is in less than a week.

Sorry y'all i was busy friday. The next chapter should come out in a few hours. Ignore any errors

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