chapter 4

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Beys Pov
It was a few days after me and onika hung out. We,ve been texting constantly ever since. I went out to eat with my homie to catch him up on what's been going on. Jay is like a brother to me. He has a cute 6 year old daughter named Blue. That's basically my daughter too.

"Wait so she cheated on you with breezy?" Jay said with furrowed eyebrows. "That's what i'm saying". I look wayyy better then that nigga. "Its all cool, I got sum for his ass at Kelly's party tonight."

Me and Jay talked some more and eventually we paid and left.

I was in the gym, burning off some steam. I was going crazy on the punching bag. The only thing on my mind was beating the living shit out of chris, and of course Onika was on my mind too.

To be honest, i'm not mad me and saweetie broke up, I mean i kind of saw it coming. It's not like I was in love with her, but her cheating on me was really messing with my pride and I had to get my lick back.

I hopped out the shower, ate a lil salad and watched my show. How to get away with murder gone come in handy one day mark my words. Just thinking about that made me smirk. I might be crazy.

As i was starting the next episode I just remembered I ain't have a date for the party tonight. "Fuck" I said out loud.

I quickly called Nik. She answered on the second ring.

"What you want Bey?" "Damn you can't tell a nigga hey?" I said with slight laugh. 

"My bad.. hey Bey, what did you want?" "Umm so you know Kelly throwing that party tonight and I was thinking may-" "I have a date already Beyonce" onika said cutting me off.

My left eye started twitching, and I clenched my jaw just thinking about her with someone else.

"Fuck you mean you gotta date already?" I hissed. "Beyonce were not even tog-" "Mane fuck allat i'll be there at 8:00 sharp to pick you up" I hung up seconds after that.

I decided to take a nap because she  just pissed me off.

I woke up around 6:30 and took a 30 minute shower. That left me with a little less than a hour to get ready. I put on a suit and threw my hair in a ponytail. I looked in the mirror before I left. Damn I'm sexy I said to myself.

I texted Onika that I was on my way and she left me on read. I know when I get to this house she gone be ready, she know not to play with me.

I made it to her house and hopped out the car to ring the doorbell.

I made it to her house and hopped out the car to ring the doorbell

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When she came out I was stuck. I was doing that staring shit again. This women is so beautiful, she makes me speechless. She had on this cute black dress that accetuates her body perfectly.

 She had on this cute black dress that accetuates her body perfectly

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We got in the car and the ride was nice. We had small talk and were mainly listening to music. I had my hand gripped on her thigh. She tried to move it but i put it right back.

When we got to the party it was full of people we know. Lauren, Future, Megan, drake and even  kanye was  there.

It was a big party so there where alot more people there. Me and Nik where holding hands and I finally saw my best friend kelly.

I gave her a hug and asked what she's been up to. Eventually Onika wandered off and I didn't mind because me and kelly were catching up.

After we finished our conversation I went looking for Nic. I finally spotted her in the corner, hugged up with some nigga.

My blood was boiling and my left eye was twitching. I immediately went over there and snatched her up. "Beyon-". "In the mist of her talking I tongued her down. I was staring directly at him while doing it too. He had on a suit with dreads and glasses and grills.

I could tell he was starting to get mad, which made me happy and I started to kiss her more aggressive

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I could tell he was starting to get mad, which made me happy and I started to kiss her more aggressive.

"Alright Nik, I'll talk to you later" he said with a wink.

"No tf you ain't nigga" I hissed, finally breaking off the kiss.

He just walked off with a smirk on his face. Yea imma kill this nigga I said to myself.

"Bey what was that all about?" Onika asked pulling me out of my wicked thoughts.

"Why was he all up on you?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

"He's just a friend. He tried to be more than that but I shut that down" Nik said with a grin.

"Look shawty if you gone be my girlfriend all this friendly shit has to stop!"

Onika's POV
girlfriend??? I thought to myself. This girl done lost her mind. We've only known each other for a lil more than a week and she's already being possessive.

I haven't been in a relationship in over a year. The last relationship I had with meek became way too toxic.

Quavo and me were just friends so I don't even know why she was doing all that.

"Earth to Nik" bey said waiving her hands in my face.

"Bey we've only known each other for a couple of days and you're already talking about relationships." "Ok well you're finna be my girlfriend so we better get to knowing each other."she said with a small chuckle.

I really wasn't for her shenanigans so i just suggested we dance. We made our way to the backyard were all the other couples were dancing. They played a slow song and Beyonce was pressed against me with her arms around my waist. We were rocking side to side and I felt something poking me from behind.

"Beyonce what is that poking me I asked?" with  a scrunched up face.

"You'll find out soon" she said wit a huge smirk on her face.

Everything was going good until we noticed that girl Beyoncé was with at that restaurant the other day, and Chris arguing in the corner.

I looked at Bey and I could see she was visibly upset. I knew all hell was finna break loose.

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