Chapter 9

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Nickis POV
I woke up not being able to move. I'm literally going to kill this girl. Bey ended up having to carry me to bathroom, and she would not stop teasing me.

"I wore my baby out!" she said with a big ass smile on her face.

"Girl please" I said with a eye roll.

"Nik your legs are literally shaking."

This is pitiful, I could barely hold myself up. All i could do is shake my head.

After Me and bey finished washing up, we went downstairs.

"Bey what are we going to eat" She can survive off salad and water but me? Oh I'm finna turn up.


"Yea that's fine" She could've said McDonald's and I would've went with it, bitch I'm hungry.

The ride there was cool. Beyonce was talking about how I better not be entertaining anyone but her majority of the ride. I wasn't paying her any mind.

We made it to Ihop and I ordered chicken&waffles. Beyonce ordered some type of omelet.

we didn't do alot of talking, we were both way too focused on our food.

When the check came I tried to pay, but bey wasn't having it.

"Now what would I look like letting my girl pay for the food?" My girl?? She's so delusional.

"Ok whatever Bey, just pay so we can go" I hissed. I was just trying to be nice and pay since she's always paying for everything, but I guess not.

When we left I told Bey to drop me off at home. I needed some space from her lunatic ass. When we got to my house bey parked in my drive way. "What you doing?" I asked with my face all scrunched up. "We finna chill at your house right" "Wrong" I said with attitude.

She completely ignored me hopping out the car, making her way to the front door. I opened the door and pushed past her. I had a wholeee attitude. Just when I thought I was gone get some alone time. I did not know Bey was the clingy type.

Beys POV
Nik opened the door and pushed passed me. I don't know why she gotta attitude, she don't got nothing to do today and I wanna spend time with my baby. I don't see the issue.

"Nik whats your problem?" I asked, getting comfortable on the sofa.

"Nothing Bey, I just wanted a little alone time"

"Girl you can get some alone time tomorrow, I wanna spend time with you baby" I moved closer to peck her forehead.

She better be lucky I have that photo shoot tomorrow or it wouldn't be no alone time for her. I think i'm getting attached. oh well.

Me and Nik were watching money heist on netflix, apparently thats her favorite show. During the show Nik's phone started ringing.

"Hey Megan" Nicki said smiling hard at her phone. They were on facetime. Her and Megan are friends I asked myself. I did not catch that.

I honestly tuned out of their conversation until I heard something about a club.

"So you coming to the club with me and my girls, right?" Megan said holding some henny in the camera. Club??? I hope Onika knows i'll be there. Would hate to have to beat somebody ass for flirting with my girl.

"Of course i'll be there to turn up with my girl" Nik said with a big smile. Yea and I'll be there as well.

Her and Meg finally got off the phone and we went back to watching the show. I can't lie I was into it.

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