Chapter 22

519 27 23

December 23, 2021
Houston, Tx
Bey's POV

   It was the night before Christmas Eve and I just finished taking a shower and now I'm getting ready for bed. I hated the fact that Nicki wasn't by my side at the moment but she insisted she stay at her home and finish some last minute gift wrapping. I offered my assistance but she doesn't trust my capabilities. She had a point so I couldn't argue with her.

I texted my old friend Rhianna earlier today to make sure she could make it to the party and she asked if she could bring a guest. I trust her so I told her it's fine, but i'm a little curious to see who she brings. Part of me wants to be surprised so I didn't ask any further questions.

After scrolling through Pinterest a few more minutes and sitting with my deep thoughts I sent my wife a goodnight text and dosed off.
Christmas Eve
      It's now Christmas Eve morning and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited. I hopped out the bed and ordered some breakfast on door dash then threw my phone in the bed and scurried off to the restroom to take a morning shower.
    After washing my body thoroughly for 20 minutes I stepped out my grand shower and dried off. Quickly rubbing cocoa butter in all over me, I went to my dresser grabbing a white tee,  some grey sweatpants, and white nike socks. After I finished changing I heard a ring at the doorbell, I opened the door to be faced with a beautiful woman with a fat ass also known as my wife who's not my wife yet.

"Hey Knowles!" Nik said greeting me.

"More like big daddy Bey, but hello wife!" I said in response.

"You are so silly, but you see how I ring the doorbell like a civilized person rather than sneaking in your home?"

"And where's the fun in that?" I questioned with a light laugh.

"What am I going to do with you?" Nik said with her hand over her face shaking her head, making her way to the couch.

"It's alot of things we could do." I said biting my lips, following behind her.

"Bey quit playing we have to start getting ready for the party."

She always knows how to bring me back to reality. It was about 10:35 am at the moment and the party starts at 6:30 pm, but knowing black people  it would start at 7:30-8:00 pm.

"Okay but we could at least eat first, the food will be here in less than 5 minutes."

After completing our delicious breakfast from Ihop we started to prepare for the party.

Nicki focused on cooking the dishes such as glazed ham and macaroni and things of that nature. She didn't need to cook too many dishes because mama and Kelly would more than likely be bringing dishes as well.

I focused on moving the living room furniture around for more space for games and fellowship. I also was adding more Christmas decor in the dining room and entry foyer room.

6 o'clock came in no time and I was now bringing the speaker downstairs. I connected my phone and played some r&b Christmas music.

"This Christmas" Chris Brown version played and I couldn't even be mad. Although i don't fuck with that weirdo nigga Chris brown I love his version of this song.

I snaked my around Nik's waist and started singing along slowly rocking us back and forth.

"And this Christmas will be, a very special Christmas for meeee!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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