chapter 3

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Beys POV
It was the next morning and I had a real bad hangover. I knew i shouldn't have drunk that much. It was all Solo's fault. I got sum for her ass. I can't lie i had too much fun. I can't seem to get onika out of my head. Something about that girl got me hooked.

Real life hit when i heard some loud ass banging on my door. I looked out my window and I saw Saweetie's car. This bitch done lost her mind.

I opened the door and she immediately started yelling. "Beyonce you really got me fucked up" she gritted. "You ignoring me, going out with other bitches, and you hanging up in my face!" she yelled.

She was all in my face pointing and shit, im just tryna figure out who tf she think she talking to.

"Idk what the problem is but you need to fix it, quick!" she hissed.

I was pacing back and forth the entire time she was talking then I started to laugh, that's how I know i was pissed.

"First of all you're the problem saweetie!" I yelled. She was looking at me all confused. "Nah don't look confused now bitch." I gritted.

I hate to call her a bitch but she had me alllll the way fucked up.

"You coming in my crib yelling at me like you're not the one doing foul shit." I said while sitting down on the couch. "I know you cheating on me with a nigga, I peep the sneaky shit I'm not fucking stupid saweetie!" I yelled while looking dead at her. She had guilt all over her face.

My left eye started to twitch and I started laughing uncontrollably. I got up and pinned saweetie against the wall. I had my hand around her neck but not enough to choke her.

"Who's the nigga?" I gritted. "Bey there is no nig-" "Lie again" I hissed. "Chris" she said with tears filling up in her eyes.

Here she go again with this crying shit.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I screamed. "Bey ple-" "GET OUT" I said cutting her off.

She left out crying but she has to know i give 0 fucks about them tears. She wasn't crying when she was fucking chris. Lil dick ass nigga.

The worst part is she know me and chris got bad history. He beat on one of my closest friends and he tried to talk to one of my ex- girlfriends at the time. I been was supposed to beat that nigga ass.

I grabbed my clothes i needed for my photo shoot. I hate all that went down before my shoot because I don't let personal things come between my work. I do not play about my money. I love being a model but it's gone be real hard to try to smile through this.

On the way to the shoot I thought of a idea. I called Solo and told her to send me Onika's number. "What you need her number for?" Solange asked with a small laugh. Here go her nosey ass. "Girl just send me the number" I said playfully rolling my eyes. "yes ma'am" she laughed and hung up.

I made it to the shoot and ate it up per usual.

After i got done i changed back to my original outfit (in the media) and i don't know why I choose to wear that as hot as it is in Texas

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After i got done i changed back to my original outfit (in the media) and i don't know why I choose to wear that as hot as it is in Texas.

I checked my phone and solo sent me onika's number. I immediately texted her. I honestly just wanted to hang out with her she seems like just the distraction I need. I don't plan on doing anything sexual with her, unless of course she wants too.

I smiled just thinking about that.

:Hey this is Bey..You busy tn?
Onika: Hey, um don't you have a girlfriend?
: Shawty thats dead.😂
Onika: mhmm idk im not tryna get in between that.
: There's nothing to get in between Onika
Onika: Ok ig we can hangout and call me Nik please.

I hearted the message idk why she acting like that. She finna have a good time with me. I was thinking of things we could do. I finally decided on watching movies. I have a at home theater in my house so this was perfect.

I decided to facetime her. She answered on the first ring surprisingly.

"yes?"she asked. "Why I can't see your face?" I asked with a soft chuckle. She put her face in the camera and I started to smile. She so fine I thought to myself. "ok so is watching a movie at my house cool with you?" I asked with a slight grin. "yes, anything else?

Damn, she in a rush to get off the phone with me?

"wear something comfortable, i'll be at your house to pick you up at 7." "Wait how do you know where I live?"onika asked with a confused tone. "I have my ways, see you soon Nik" I said laughing and then I hung up.

I took a shower and put on something comfortable

I took a shower and put on something comfortable

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I hopped in my car around 6:40 ish. Nik lives 20 minutes away so I was right on time. When I pulled up i was amazed. Her house was really nice.! I rung the doorbell and she came out in a cute fendi jumpsuit.

! I rung the doorbell and she came out in a cute fendi jumpsuit

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We both were dressed really comfortable which was great. This is the vibe I was going for.

We made it back to my house and went straight upstairs to the movie room. We were watching scary movies and Nik seemed to really be creeped out.

She started moving closer and closer to me the scarier the movie got. I noticed she would stuff her face with popcorn when she really got scared.

Eventually she was in my lap and my head was rested on her chest. The scary movies were kind of killing the vibe so I turned it off.

We started talking and we found out alot about each other. She found out I had one sister, I have family dinners weekly and i'm a homebody. I found out her favorite color is pink, she's not that close with her family and I found out she owns her own fashion line.

I could tell we were both getting tired because the conversation was getting slower and slower.

After a while, we just started staring at each other. She looked so good that finally I went in for a kiss. She kissed back of course, because im that nigga. We kissed for a minute. I think i left a hickey on her neck but that doesn't matter. We fell asleep with nik laying on top of me.

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