Chapter 19

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October 26, 2021
Houston, Tx

Beys POV
I decided to wake  Nicki up at around 7:30ish because our appointment was at 8 and she takes a while to get ready. I know she ain't a morning person, but i'm praying her attitude wouldn't be that bad.

"Nika baby wake up." I said lightly pushing her shoulder."

"mmhm Bey" she groaned. I'm glad she ain't start with that Knowles shit.

When she got up for real I asked her for a kiss.

"Damn let me brush my teeth first."

I've been working on showing more compassion for my baby. Since this is my wife I want to work on myself for her. I mean that is what real niggas do.

Nicki finished getting ready and I passed her a fruit bowl to go. When we got in the car I tried to start a conversation forgetting my girl is NOT a morning person.

"So Nicki I-".

"Bey shut the fuck up talking to me." She put her hand in my face aggressively, motioning for me to be quiet. Now she did not have to do all that.

She rested her head on the car window quickly falling asleep, and I was quiet the rest of the ride.

When we got there, I tapped Nik and she woke up. I got out went to her side to help her out and we walked in.

"Hello how can I assist you?" The lady at the front asked.

"Umm we're looking for doctor Jones." I had my arm around Onika and she still looked tired as hell.

"Ok and what's the patient's name?"

"Onika Maraj".

"Ok the doctor should be with you shortly."

Me and Nik made our way to the waiting area. I pulled out my phone and started  playing games my, childish ass. Nik was leaning on my shoulder knocked out.

About 15 minutes later the nurse finally came out.

"Nik.. Wake up". I said tapping Nicki's shoulder.

She woke up with the meanest mug on her face.  We walked in the room and Nik sat down on the bed and I sat down on the chair.

The nurse checked Nik's weight, height, blood pressure and all that extra shit and everything was normal.

Doctor Jones came shortly after the nurse left and she measured Nik's belly growth and then she checked for a heartbeat.

When it was my turn to listen I almost started crying. I still can't believe my childish ass is finna have a little me running around.

Me and Nik really need to pick some baby names.

Our first doctors appointment went great, and Doctor Jones gave Nicki some vitamins to start taking.

When we got back Nik went to the office because her fashion show is in a few days. I'm so excited to support her but I hope she's not stressing too much.

I already got a room for the baby and have been buying baby stuff every day. Nik doesn't know yet its supposed to be a surprise.

Nik's POV

A couple hours went buy and it was time for me to start getting ready for dinner with Megan.

Even though we're only going to dinner I decided to wear something a little slutish. I might as well because pretty soon i'm not finna fit into nun of this shit.

I was in the bathroom doing my makeup then bey came in and started doing her hair.

"where you going?" I questioned.

"Nah where are youu going?"

"I'm going to that knew this already. Now answer my question"

"I'm going to the gym." She started flexing her muscles. This girl here.

I finished up my makeup and threw on my hoe dress. Not that I'm going to be a hoe or anything.

"Bye Knowles!" I said about to walk out the door

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"Bye Knowles!" I said about to walk out the door.

Bey snatched me up so fucking fast. Where you going looking like that.

I couldn't even focus on what she was saying because of how tight she was gripping my waist. It was kind of turning me on.

"You know where i'm going and you're finna make me late."

"ok text me when you get there and call me if you need anything. Love you baby stay safe!"

"Love you too.. byee."

I left out the house and was on my way.

I pulled up to some fancy steakhouse. I don't know why I came I don't even like steak.

As I walked in I saw Megan seated at a table but I was too far to see who. As I got close to the table and saw who it was I immediately felt rage building up inside of me.

"Why would Meg invite them?" Is the only question that kept spiraling throughout my head.
short chapter IKK i got y'all next chapter tho I'm slowly trying to update faster and faster but i be busy as hell but i can't abandon y'all. Thanks for reading and supporting 🙏🏽🙏🏽

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