Chapter 2

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Last night I took saweetie straight home I didn't have time for that bitch or her lies. I honestly don't know what i'm going to do about her. I think I just want to catch her in the act.

I just finished showering after a extreme workout , yall  know a real nigga gotta stay fit.

I threw on some comfortable clothes, I didn't plan on doing anything for the rest of the day. I was comfortable and watching How to get away with murder, my favorite show.

In the middle of the show my phone started ringing. I paused my show and looked at my phone. It was solange. I rolled my eyes and answered. Don't get me wrong I love my lil sister but she always on sum bs.

"yes solo?" "What you got planned for today?"solo asked.

I could hear her excitement through the phone. "Nothing, what you want lil girl?" I said with a small smirk. "I'm grown bitch" "Ok fr what you want im tryna watch my show" i said getting bored of the conversation.

" You tryna go to the club tonight" she asked with that same excitement in her voice. "Fuck no" I said then I hung up before she could respond.

I started my show back next thing i know i hear the doorbell. I know this bitch ain't outside my house i said to myself.  I opened the door and sure enough it was her...smh

"solange what are you doing at my house?" "I want to go out with my sister, is that a problem?" She asked with a smile on her face. "Do i have- matter fact if I go will you get out my house?" I asked rolling my yes. "Yes be ready by 9 and wear something sexy" she said walking out the door. sexy?? I said to myself.

I put my show back on and ended up falling asleep.

I woke up and it was 8. "Fuck" I yelled running to the restroom. I took a quick shower and rushed to find something to wear. I wasn't too worried because its just solange.

Solange sent me the address and I was there at 9:30ish

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Solange sent me the address and I was there at 9:30ish. When i walked in i went to the section where I spotted solange. As I was walking closer i seen a familiar face. "Onika?" I said. Damn I ain't mean to say that out loud. Onika looked up and she had confused all over her face. " You know solange?" I said with my face all scrunched up. "Hold on yall already know each other?" Solange asked sounding just as confused as me. "well we met yesterday in the restroom" onika said with a slight smile. Damn even her voice was perfect. "what were y'all doing in the restroom?" Solo said with a dirty smirk on her face. " It wasn't even like that solo" onika hissed.

shiiii it could've been like that I said to myself. I need to chill.

"well nice to meet you again onika" I said. "same to you, btw I never got your name." "Beyonce" I said with that same stupid ass smile.

We been here for about a hour and I was already feeling drunk. Solange kept making me and onika take shots. We were on that casamigos bad. Solange pulled onika to the dance floor and I just stayed back and watched.

Onika POV

I was on the dance floor with solange and that casamigos was getting to me.

I was throwing it back on solange while she had me bent over. While all this was going on I locked eye contact with beyonce. She was staring at me with her tounge in between her teeth and her legs open. That just turned me on. Liquor makes me so horny and Beyonce is already so fine.

After me and Solo finally had enough of pretending we were strippers we went to go sit down. I was finna sit next to bey but she pulled me onto her lap. I don't know if it was the liquor or the fact that she's so fine but I started to straddle her. "Don't start something you can't finish onika" she groaned in my ear.

we were making intense contact and just as I was about to kiss her, her phone started to ring. It was a facetime call.

"Beyonce where tf are you and why is your location off, and who is that bitch?" some lady yelled. Beyonce started to laugh and hung up in her face.

"Anyways where were we baby?" baby?? I quickly hopped off her lap. "Shawty what's wrong?" she asked pulling me back into her lap. "Beyonce you have a girlfriend, we can't" I said trying to pull away. "Fuck her she cheating on me anyways" she said while laughing. what's funny I thought to myself. "okay but-"

In the mist of me talking she kissed me. It was a very sloppy kiss. I kissed back and she started to stick her tongue down my throat.

Eventually Solo pulled us apart. I forgot she was even here. It was getting late and it was time to go.

As i was about to walk out the door Bey pulled me into her arms and kissed me again. "Bye baby" she said with a smile. Here she go with this baby shit again. This gotta be the liquor talking.

Solo dropped me off and made sure I made it in safely. I had a great time with both of them. I was smiling ear to ear literally. I took a quick shower and went straight to bed, a bitch was tiedd.

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