Chapter 13

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Nicki's POV
When we got to the club Bey was leading me to the section with Solange, Kelly and Jay. Apparently Meg was supposed to be here too, but her ass is always late.

We walked over to the section they were in and immediately took two shots. That already had me turnt a lil bit.

"So how's my girl blue?" Bey asked looking at Kelly and Jay.

"Being Blue as always" Kelly said with a small laugh making us all laugh.

Me and Solange started to talk while Bey was sitting next to me talking to Kelly and Jay. Of course she had her hand on my thigh, clingy ass. I tried to move it but that just made her grip harder..smh.

"What up bitches!" This girl Megan came out of nowhere.

"Girl where was you?" I asked with a confused look.

"you know I take all year to get ready. Now who tryna drive the boat?" Megan said with a laugh.

After all that "driving the boat" we did, everyone was drunk as hell. Bey snatched my hand and dragged us to the dance floor.

She bent me over and I started dancing on her. She had her hands on my hip and we were moving with the music. She was having the time of her life. She was smacking my ass all hard and stuff. I never realized how horny Bey is when she's intoxicated.

I looked back and Kelly was dancing on Jay as well. Next thing I know Megan was dragging Solange to the dance floor. I was not expecting this.

Megan started twerking on Solo and one thing about meg she can throw some ass. Solange was just standing there looking around. She ain't know what to do. I honestly didn't blame her.

Bey looked over at them and immediately walked over there. She placed Solange's hands on Megan's hips. "Bitch get onnat!" Bey yelled walking back over to me. Just being a loud ass hoodlum.

Me and bey went back to sit down and she was a horny mess. She kept trying to spread my legs and I kept having to stop her.

She pulled me up on her lap and I began to straddle her. I can't lie I was horny as hell  too.

"You getting fucked when we get home." she whispered in my ear.  This the type of stuff she been saying all night. Just smile and nod y'all.

"Bey chill."

"Baby fuck this club let's just go right now!"

"Beyonce we can't just leave lik-"

Bey roughly kissed me cutting me off. My dress was already small so it was riding up and bey was gripping my ass.

I quickly got up and pulled my dress down and signaled for Bey to follow behind me. I decided it was best for us to just leave because Bey was getting too wild.

"Alright bye Solo, bye Meg , bye Kelly and Jay. We had such a great time, thanks for the invite!" Bey just waived at them and we left.

The whole ride she kept looking over at me with her lips in between her teeth. I'm surprised she sobered up enough to drive. Her hand wasn't even on my thigh no more, it was in between my legs. She was just being nasty.

When we got to the house she carried me to her bedroom and threw me on the bed. She took her clothes off fast as ever, just leaving her in boxers. Then Bey immediately pulled my dress off and threw it on the floor. I quickly tied my hair up and she started kissing me aggressively like she ain't never had a kiss before. I was sitting in her lap as the kisses trailed down to my neck. I just know i'm going to have hella hickeys in the morning. She pulled my bra off and continued trailing her tongue all the way down to my thong. Then she literally ripped my thong off.

"Bey are you fucking serious? These were brand new!"

"C'mon baby chill, i'll buy you some more."

Bey sat me against the headboard and spread my legs. She was kissing all over my thighs until she got to my area. She stuck one of her fingers in me and started pumping up and down. She stuck another finger in me and started going even faster.

"Ahh Bey slow down" I moaned. This only made her go faster. Her bitch ass.

She removed her fingers and stuck her tongue in. She was licking my clit up and down and in and out at a quick pace. It felt too good. She kept going until she found my spot, which made her go even crazier. I couldn't control myself anymore and my eyes rolled back and I was moaning loud as hell.

She was going faster until I finally came. She didn't stop there, I came like three times until she finally stopped.

When Bey finally finished eating the life out of me all my juices were on her fingers. She licked it all off while staring at me intensely, looking all sexy. Bey's such a freak.

I don't know why but that really turned me on. I pulled her closer to me and pulled her boxers all the way down. I started to stroke her dick with my hands really fast. I got on my knees and put my mouth on the tip and then went all the way down and back up real fast. I was sucking her shit like my life depended on it.

Bey had her eyes rolled back, and was groaning and stuff. I had Bey bitching.

When I was done bey picked me up and positioned me. We were in missionary. She was on top of me and lined up right at my entrance. I always get nervous around this part because i've never seen a dick as big as Bey's.

She slid it in me slowly and I was already on the verge of tears. She was only half way in.

"Ahh Bey I can't take it."

"Nah baby don't be scared now." she whispered in my ear.

Once she was all the way in she started going in out real quick. Each stroke felt better and better. I had my back arched, and was grasping on to the sheets for dear life.

"AH BEYY" I screamed as she went in me super fast. It was like she was punishing me, but in a good way.

"Daddy's sorry" she said placing a soft kiss on my lips. We kept going and she came all over me. She came multiple times that night.

My body was literally shaking like crazy. We didn't stop until our bodies literally couldn't go anymore. We did all different type of positions. This was way different from our last time having sex, we were both way more passionate.

This is also our second time fucking raw. I really need to chill, but it feels too good. I definitely put it down on Bey tonight. My wig is all fucked up.

We fell asleep with me cuddled up in her arms. This was one of the best days of my life. After today I think I want to be Bey's girlfriend.

I'm so sorry for not updating these past few days i've been super busy but I got y'all fasho.

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