Chapter 7

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Beys POV
A couple of days have went by and it was my last night with Blue. Nik came over everyday Blue was there. They got close super fast, and there relationship is so cute!

Nik and Blue were sitting at the counter eating pizza, I was on the couch watching tv.

Blue had my phone because I was letting her watch youtube on it.

"Bey who is this Saweetie lady calling you, she keeps interrupting my video" Blue said with a eye roll. This girl here. I noticed Nik looking over at my phone as well.

I got up from the couch to check my phone. It was Saweetie. I was getting so annoyed, because its always something with this bitch. I decided to text her so she would quit calling me.

: Stop calling me.
Saweetie: can you please answer it's important.
: I don't want nothing to do with your hoe ass, leave me alone.
Saweetie: I'm pregnant Bey. I want us to try again. We could be our own little family just like we talked about. I want our baby to grow up in one home.

Yea she's definitely getting left on read.

Pregnant? I was beyond pissed. My left eye started to twitch and I clenched my jaw. I know for a fact that baby wasn't mine. Me and Saweetie haven't had sex in two months and every time we did she took a plan b right after.

See it's one thing to cheat, but to cheat and have a baby on me is crazy.

She Know damn well that's Chris's baby. Im finna kill her and that bastard baby.

"Bey are you ok" Blue asked with a scared look on her face.

"Yea I'm fine I need to step outside really quick."

Nik and blue both shook there head in understanding.

I stepped outside and quickly called Saweetie. "Fuck you mean you pregnant?" I hissed through the phone.

"Well I woke up throwing up and then I got a pregnancy te-" "Saweetie stop fucking playing with me, you know good and well that is not my baby" "Baby-" Don't call me that shit ever again" I said cutting her off. "I want a DNA test, don't contact me again until you get one!"

I know that baby ain't mines.

I walked back into the house, heading straight to my room. I was pacing back and fourth. I ain't gone lie Im stressing. If that baby is mines that bitch is getting a abortion.

Minutes later Nik and Blue both came in the room. Blue jumped up on me wrapping her arms around me. "Whats wrong bey?" she whispered in my ear. "Never get in a relationship Blue" I whispered back with a big sigh.

I sat Blue on the bed because it was getting pretty late. I had disney channel on for her and pretty soon she fell asleep. Me and Nik left the room and went down downstairs.

"Bey what's going on? I know you're upset about something " "This bitch Saweetie got pregnant by Chris" I sighed. Nik busted out laughing. "Onika ain't shit funny." "Can you call me Nicki" she said trying to pull herself together.

"Nicki this isn't funny" I said with a small laugh. "I know but Chris out of all people? You look way better than him." That made me blush. "That's the same thing I said."

I continued to vent to Nicki, it felt good to get all this off my chest.

"That girl really been giving me a headache" "I can help with that" Nik said with a sly smirk.

Is she flirting with me?

We were on the couch and Nik started moving closer to me. Next thing I know she was straddling my lap.

She better quit before she be pregnant.

She started to kiss me still straddling my lap. What done got into this girl? She was kissing me so passionately.

She started kissing my neck, leaving a hickey. I was kissing her back just as aggressive, my hands were on her waist pulling her closer and closer.

She stuck her hands in my boxers stroking my shit and just as I was about to pull my pants off Blue came downstairs. Fuck I said to myself.

Nik hurried up and got off my lap. "I can't sleep " Blue said sitting in between us.

Kids I said to myself.

I turned on disney channel until we all fell asleep.

The next morning Nicki made us breakfast and it was time for us to go. Nik had to go home and do some things for her fashion line, and it was time for me to take Blue home.

After doing some things for my fashion line, I decided to call my bestie, its been a minute since we talked I've been spending most of my time with Bey.

"Nikkk" Meg yelled through the phone. "Where have you been its seems it's been forever since we last talked."

"Things" I answered with a big smile on my face.

"Girl you talking to somebody"

"I wouldn't say talking but I think I like her." Yea Im really crushing on this girl.

"Herrr? ouu bitch you nasty" Megan said sticking her tongue out. This girl.

"You remember Beyonce from the party?"

"How could I forget her?" Meg said laughing. "

"yea well me and her messing with each other."

"Whatt???" Meg said with a loud gasp.

I started to tell her everything in full details. After awhile we got off the phone, and I took a shower and put on money heist. That's my shit. I was falling asleep then I got a incoming FaceTime call it was Bey.

"Yes" I asked. "What you doing tomorrow?" "I don't know yet bey, what you want?"

"You want to go on a date with me?" She asked brushing her hair. She had her camera set up. This girl so fine I said to myself.

"Umm idk I'll see"

"You're going, I'll text you the details later" She said with a small laugh.

"Alright goodnight Bey" I said hanging up.

This girl is really doing something to me. She got me blushing and shit. It feels like a high school crush all over again.

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