Chapter 6

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Onika POV
I woke up with bey spooning me. She's such a pretty sleeper. I can't lie she's starting to grow on me. I don't want to move to fast but she's different. I think she's the breath of fresh air I need in my life.

It's been fun hanging around her these last couple of days because im kind of lonely. Don't get me wrong i have friends but I live in that big ass house by myself, and I'm not that close with my family. Them kisses bey has been giving me lately were doing something to me, I can't lie.

"Nik you up?" Bey asked stopping my train of thoughts.

Her morning voice was deep and raspy, it was very attractive. "yea what you want to eat?" I asked with a big smile on my face. "you gone cook for me baby?" her and this baby word. "girl all you got in that fridge is salad" "ok lets go grocery shopping shawty" Bey said with a big smile. "fine" I said with a playful eye roll getting up to go to the restroom.

Bey followed behind me handing me a toothbrush. We brushed our teeth and washed our faces. Bey had on a black undershirt with grey sweatpants. She threw me a hoodie and some sweatpants that were too big for me. I'm definitely stealing this hoodie.

Beys POV
Me and nik were headed to target. I had my hand gripped around her thigh and she didn't try to move it. Progress.

"okay so what do we need" I asked glancing at onika. "Um i don't know it's your house." "Yea, but if you gone be my girlfriend you need to have what you like at the house too."

"im not your girl-" "yea just grab anything you want" I said kissing her forehead and getting out the car.

Nik got out and I grabbed her hand. We've been in target for about thirty minutes now. Nik was just picking up all sorts of things, I didn't mind tho.

On the way to the checkout line some boy started walking towards us. Great some more bs I said to myself. "Onika is that you?" they boy said with a huge smile on his face.

This jolly ass nigga already starting to piss me off.

"chance?" Onika asked with a grin on her face. Fuck is she smiling for?

"Damn its been a minute since i've seen you. you look good" chance said biting his lips looking Onika up and down. "Thanks" onika said with a awkward laugh.

She knew I was finna get mad. "So is this your friend or...?"

"Girlfriend nigga and if you ever look at my girl like that again imma beat the fuck out of you" I said with a chuckle.

I stormed off to the checkout line, paid for the groceries and we left. It was obvious Nicki had a attitude.

"whats your problem Nik" I asked finally breaking the silence.

"Beyonce why you always gotta do the most?" she hissed. Do the most?? This girl tweaking.

"wym?"  "Beyonce that was a old high school friend and you did the absolute most" Nik said folding her arms across her chest.

"Ok but i don't like people looking at whats mine." "Beyonce were not even together!" Yea but we finna be I said to myself. "My bad baby, i'll work on it." Im lying.

We made it back to the house and finished putting the groceries up. Nik got started on breakfast. She was making bacon, eggs, and waffles. In the mist of her cooking I asked what she was doing for the day.

"I'm going back home to create some new pieces for my fashion line, what about you?" "I have another shoot today and then I gotta pick up blue." "who's blue?" Onika asked while pulling out two plates. "That's my god daughter" I said while pulling out my phone.

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