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Chapter 5

This is my first time in KZN and before this, I didn't even know what the hell Ashburton was but someone picked us up from the airport. Luna fell asleep and so did I at some point, we both woke up and the guy was still driving.
" I didn't catch your name"
I said to the guy driving us, I know he doesn't work for Andrew because he is wearing a Patek Philippe watch and those are not cheap. I know this because Cebo wants one and she has been saving since varsity for it, we've estimated her affording it when we all turn 40. And she is only 25.
" Dean, Drew and I are business partners"
He said and I just nodded, I don't even know why I asked him for his name.
Me" Are we still far?"
Dean" Almost there, I thought he was in Mtunzini, we have another two hours"
Me" I need us to stop at the nearest garage, I'm sure Lu needs a bathroom and I am starving"
" I can drive and you relax"
Dean" Are you sure?"
Me" Yea, just make sure the gps is good to go"
We stop at a service station and got food, Luna was wide awake. We were back on the road. The gps finally said we were 10 minutes away.
Dean" We are here"

When he said ranch I don't know what I expected but this is not it hunni, I never wanted to leave and I've only seen the outside.
Luna" Horses Zoey, I want one"
Me" I'll ask your father"
We got off the car, and Dean helped us with our bags. We walked for a little bit until we got to the main house. And it was just beautiful, it was modern, and I loved the modern style. I think I said that but yes.
" Mrs Walsh"
Dean said and I looked at Andrew's mother, I was taken aback because he didn't mention his mother being here. I was technically out number.
Luna" Zoey, ngobani ababantu?"
I giggled then looked at her with a smile on my face.
Me" It's your family"
Mrs Walsh" Andrew is in a meeting with his father dear, would you follow me and I'll show you to your rooms"
She looked at Luna for a minute then cleared her throat, I was staring at her too because when Luna is with my family everyone swears she looks like my mother and right now she looked like the younger version of Mrs Walsh especially the hair.
Luna" Our rooms? We have rooms here?"
Me" Hahaha just follow the lady Lu"
The room that was Luna was so cute, it was blue with a ocean inspired decoration. Luna loved it, she couldn't stop touching the wallpaper.
Me" You like it?"
She nodded
" Don't forget to say thank you"
Mrs Walsh" May I speak with you?"
Me" Yes"
"Ndiyeza Lulu, call Tata and tell him sifikile"
Luna" ukhawuleze Zoey"
Me" Okay"


" She is lovely"
I just nodded because lovely njani when Luna hasn't even said a word to her let alone them having a conversation.
Me" She will come around, she is still shy"
Mrs Walsh" My husband and I are going back our house. It will just be the three of you here"
Me" And Dean"
Mrs Walsh" Oh no, Dean is in a meeting with those two, it will just be you and I want you to take my number and call me when you tell her about us"
I was so confused and I think she could tell because she was way too calm for my liking.
"Andrew made me promise to not meddle, so this is me rising above and not saying what I really think"
Me" Just between us girls, what do you really want to say"
Mrs Walsh" He didn't deserve what you did"
Me" I know"
Mrs Walsh" I don't think you do, you robbed him of a chance to be with his daughter"
Me" You know how you wanted Drew to go and study law at Harvard, how he almost settled for a university in PE. You were not happy right? I was also not happy with carrying the burden of making him do things because he loves me. We don't know how our love story would have ended and the idea of him hating me because of that? Was enough for me to take responsibility alone lol
Mrs Walsh" He would have taken responsibility"
Me" And I am not disputing that! He would have been miserable!"
Mrs Walsh" No, because Andrew has two parents who love him, who would have made sure that his daughter is taken care of while he studied and made a name for himself"
" You were selfish and all your reasons were wrong"
Me" You don't know my reasons"
Mrs Walsh" There's more? Because the ones you just laid out are not good enough"
Me" I love how you act like a 16 year old black girl being pregnant with your son's child would have been smooth sailing. Let's not try and make it like you were not going to make my pregnancy hell and cause a strain between you and your son. I had my reasons, and you need to respect them"


The introductions were made, and Luna seemed to be okay with them. Andrew and I went to the room with Luna, she seemed so chilled and nonchalant about what was happening. Enjoying her surroundings. Love that she felt safe.
Me" This is Andrew"
Luna" Zoey ubutshilo"
Me" Yea but Andrew is your father"
Luna" I have two?"
" Why do you have one?"
Me" Luna, your name is also Andrea because your father is Andrew. I named you Andrea because of him"
Andrew" You named her after me"
Me" Focus"
Luna" Okay, should I call you Dad?"
She looked confused and I understand why because my father has always been the only man in her life.
Andrew" No, you can call me Andrew or Drew"
I don't know why my hand went over his knee but it landed there and I squeezed it. We exchanged looks and both looked at Luna.
Luna" So I can sleep now?"
Me" Yea"
" Want me to sleep here with you?"
Luna" No, I will be fine"
Me" Goodnight Lulubear"
Luna" Goodnight Zoey"
"Goodnight Andrew"


" Where's your room?"
I know I shouldn't but I needed him inside me, and he didn't hesitate or overthink. We went two doors the lobby and he opened the door then stared at me;
" Are you sure?"
I kissed him and he kissed me back. He threw me on his bed and I looked at him as he took off his shirt.
Me" I don't know if this is a good idea"
Andrew" We can stop"
Me" I don't know what to do next"
" The last time I had sex was with you and I don't even think I know what happens during sex. Well besides what I watch on tv"
Andrew" What? You haven't had sex in 9 years?"
We both giggled
Me" Yea"
Andrew" That's impressive and scary"
Me" I know, so I am sorry for leading you on"
Andrew" Do you want us to try again?"
" Dating?"
Me" No, I don't think we should. Let's just coparent and see how that goes"
Andrew" I need to sort this out, so goodnight"
Me" Hey Drew, for old time sake"

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