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Chapter 3

I searched Andrew Thomas Walsh on Facebook and there was an old account because the things written there were just cringey and childish. Then I just searched Drew Walsh and guess who popped up, my baby daddy. He went to Wits, then Yale University to study law and now owns Walsh Attorneys. He looked so different, I get the red hair, his mother has red hair. I was always curious because he has blonde hair.  I went through his entire Facebook and LinkedIn, stalked him until I knew everything about him and everything made sense about how he afforded hotels and Bnb's while in high school or why he already had a car at a young age. My boy was old racist money. I use the word racist because historically well yea hahahaha. I sent him a message via  email that I took on LinkedIn;
" Hey, I don't know if you remember me. I hope you do because we have a daughter together, she is 8 now. Call me if you want to meet her 0704546677"


I landed in Cape Town and I was ready to let go and let my thotness takeover. I went to fetch my car, then drove straight to the hotel. I quickly showered and did my makeup, the girls were already at Brunch in the Vineyard and they told me to slay. I wore a green crisscross satin crop top and high waist satin pants with a rhinestone bow deco heel sandals. My curls were combed out and I was ready to have fun.


My friends and I met at Varsity in res, well Cebo and I met in high school in George then went to varsity together that's when our friendship started. When I say black girl excellence I am speaking about the girlies.

Cebo the numbers queen, she is a CA and my girl plays hard and works even harder. Then Sima, she is a doctor and a health influencer Lord she will not let you forget that, and last but not least Bongi, she is the Junior communications manager in parliament. The girlies clock in and clock out to have fun.
Sima" Finally!!!"
Me" Cape Town traffic is hell friendly"
I hugged each and everyone before I sat down, I am the only mom here. Bongi and I are the only single girls.
Cebo" What are you drinking?"
Me" Chardonnay"
" I am supposed to meet up with some guy from Tinder, need to get laid"
Sima" Ah! Zoey Virgin Khulu"
Me" Hahaha fuck off"
" I need to get laid though because Luna doesn't like babysitters, so this weekend is for me to receive some cock"
Bongi" She has arrived ladies and gentlemen"
Cebo" Myekeni atyiwe"
Me" Crass but thank you for co-sign"
The drinks were flowing, meat and cheese platter was the theme of the day. We were going on our fourth bottle of wine.
Sima" I need us to go before we pass out here"
Me" One more bottle"
We ordered another one, we finally left because I was drunk and honestly I needed my bed.
Sima" We are going Shimmy, Masambe"
Me" No baby, I am far too drunk but I will call you tomorrow then we can discuss activities"
" I love you guys"
Sima" Will you be fine?"
Me" Yea, nothing water can't fix"
Cebo" I don't trust, should we stay?"
Bongi" We are staying"
Me" Goooo!!! I'll text in the morning"
We hugged, said our I love you. I ordered water and crackers because I was too drunk to drive.


" Fuck"
I groaned and pulled my pillow over my head and moaned. My head hurts, wine drunk is fucken punishment.
" Where's my daughter?"
When I say I jumped up and pushed the pillow away from my face. I wasn't in my hotel room and I didn't recognize this room but I did however recognize the man standing over me.
"Where am I?"
Fuck, I should stop drinking alcohol because I have zero recollection of how I got here.
Andrew" I called you and you told me you were drunk at in Vineyard, not sure how to get to your hotel. I asked my assistant to fetch you and bring you here"
" Where is my daughter?"
Me" I need water"
Andrew" I will get you water but where is my daughter?"
Me" With my father and step mother "
Andrew" Does she know about me?"
Me" No"
" You kidnapped me"
Andrew" Don't be stupid, you can literally leave any time. This is my home not a prison"
Me" Why are you in Cape Town? Thought you were in KZN"
Andrew" I own a firm in KZN but my family business is here. I reside in Cape Town"
Me" Did we sleep together?"
Andrew" No"
Me" Have sex?"
Andrew" No! I am not a rapist"
Me" I don't usually get drunk"
Andrew" I don't care what you do in your spare time Zoey"
" Your friends have been calling, I will leave you to it, Vanessa made breakfast. Clean up and I'll see you at the table"
Me" I wanna leave"
Andrew" You will, as soon as we chat"
Me" No. I want to go now"
" You won't bully me into this, I contacted you and I will do the right thing but you don't get to bully me"
Andrew" I don't trust you"
Me" Luna Andrea Khulu, that's her name, I'll airdrop you her picture. I get you don't trust me but I am not comfortable"
Andrew" Okay"
I grabbed my phone and looked for my shoes.
Me" Where are my car keys?"
Andrew" In your bag"
I took my bag, and then my phone. I browsed my phone and airdropped him 4 pictures.
" Call me"
That's all he said when I left, this fucken house is huge in such an unnecessary way. I finally found my way out, my car was parked next to a great fleet of cars. Not that I was shocked but lowkey was shocked


I got to the hotel took a long shower then called my father after crying.
Me" Tata, Andrew wants to see Luna"
Dad" When?"
Me" I didn't set a date, I don't want him to see her"
Dad" Zola, lo Andrew, is he evil?"
Me" Oh no!"
Dad" Uyakubetha?"
"Or racist? Yintoni le ingaka"
Me" None of those things, I just don't want to share Luna. She is mine"
Dad" And she will always be yours, that doesn't change because of him. You will make her resent you sana lwam. I would understand your reasoning if he was some evil boy who has been cruel but umdala ngoku Zola, you need to put Luna's needs above yours"
" She deserves a father"
Me" She has you"
Dad" And she has me, but we both know your daughter is smart, she will find answers on her own. You need to be the one to tell her and no one else"
Me" He is wealthy and he will buy her love, I am sure I can't afford half the things that Andrew can give Luna"
Dad" He also can not afford to give him the love you have given her. Money can only take you so far, you have sacrificed your youth for Luna. No one speaks on your strength because you never needed the validation but mntanam you did what most people your age would have ran away from. You went to school and worked so you can contribute, you didn't have to do it because I could afford you both but you took responsibility for your child. Luna knows, maybe she doesn't say it but she knows it, you need to stop being hard on yourself"
Me" I failed you and now I will fail her"
Dad" You didn't fail me, you being pregnant at 16 didn't define you. You need to stop that! You didn't fail anyone! Hey!! Zola! You have worked harder than anyone throughout your entire life. Hay hay!!!"
" Sukhala!!! Zoey, you need to forgive yourself for getting pregnant umncinci"
Me" I.. Dad I'm... exhausted..."
I wiped my tears and decided to just tell him everything.
" I was so drunk I don't even remember him fetching me. And now even if he takes me to court, I will lose because he saw me and I couldn't even drive. I can't go to court, I can't lose Luna to him"
Dad" Zoey! You will be 25 years old, you are doing what everyone your age is doing. One day doesn't mean anything. Why lo mnfana ezokwenza ube nervous kangaka? Why ucinga he'll take you to court?"
" Give him the benefit of the doubt! Live your life Zoey. Sapha lo number and I will speak to him, he will deal with me. Wena carry on enjoying your break. Ndikuthanda kakhulu Zola, I am proud of you and you are the light of my life. I will call you later"
Me" I love you too dad. Thank you"


Spent the entire day with my friends and I filled them in on what happened, they decided they are all sleeping in my room tonight. We went to tops after all the activities, Cebo and Sima went to pick n pay to get us supper while we went to get the alcohol.
Bongi" I don't think he will take you to court"
Me" I don't know wethu, Dad just sent me a message saying they spoke. Didn't say anything else"
Bongi" Do you still love him?"
Me" No"
Bongi" Are you sure?"
" I mean you haven't had sex with anyone but him, you always claim you'll have sex with a guy and cancel on the date. Like yesterday you got drunk kodwa you had a date"
Me" Doesn't mean I love Andrew"
Bongi" You have slept with him qha and your dildo. And you don't have a real reason"
Me" I just don't want to get pregnant"
Bongi" Bullshit"
Me" Whatever"
" I will have sex when I am ready"
Bongi" With Andrew"
Me" Voestek"
Bongi" Sana! Inkulu lento lo mlungu wakufaka yona"
We both giggled because I knew she meant it in a sexual way.
Me" What are you drinking, uyekane nam"
Bongi" If I say Dom Perignon will you buy it?"
Me" Hahahaha unxilile"
Bongi" Haha you asked kodwa"
" Just take Krone and Graham Beck"
Me" Okay"
Bongi" I'll add Jager and some Veuve for the morning"
"I will transfer 1000rand to you"
Me" Okay"
My phone rang while I was waiting for my turn to pay.

"Hey, Zoey is there a chance that I can see you?"
Andrew asked and I looked at Bongi
" When ?"
I asked
Andrew" Tonight"
Me" No, my friends are sleeping over at my hotel room"
Andrew" Please"
Me" Where?"
Andrew" I am at the hotel lobby"
Me" Give me 20 minutes"
Andrew" Thank you"

The drive was quick, my friends were all singing along to Madison Ryann's Mirror. We were laughing at the noise we were making. I parked and we took everything.
Cebo" Nguye lowa?"
She pointed at some chubby white guy and we both giggle because she knows what Andrew looks like. We stalked him together.
" Omg! Luna is your twin!"
That's the first thing Sima said to Andrew and she wasn't lying. I didn't have to point out which one was Andrew because if you know my daughter then you know Andrew.
Sima" Hey, I am Doctor Sima, and those two idiots are Cebo and Bongi. We are going to the hotel restaurant to get some drinks just to give you and Zoey time to chat. An hour then we will be back"
Bongi" It was nice to meet you Andrew, hopefully we don't have to hate you"
Me" please disappear"
Andrew" I hope you won't hate me too"
Cebo" Later"
Bongi came to give me a hug and then whispered " we going to my place, have sex and then talk"
Me" Hahaha okay hambini please"

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