Kaeya •| Fluff

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That mischievous, and mysterious, man. He'd do anything to get a laugh of me. I still wonder how elders think of him as a good Son-in-law, but his charm sure is appealing.

But I must admit, Kaeya is drop dead gorgeous, his communication skills are beyond amazing, he can make small talk with anyone and can befriend even the ones who are mostly locked up in their homes. He gets his work done efficiently and both the acting Grandmaster and the Grandmaster are always impressed by him. He helps people with various tasks in his free time, like moving carts and making sure merchants are safe on their trips to Mondstadt, and then later on get them a drink or two and see their true intentions.

Oh wait...I just answered my own question. Nevermind that.

Any person to have him must be one of the happiest person on this planet
I can assure to that because I am that one person.

Most times, the man plays childish pranks on me, and I somehow fall for them.

But if course I get him back too, like that one time when I replaced the dandelion wine in his mug with grape juice with the help of Diluc and Venti.
I will never forget that face of disgust when he took the smallest of sips and ran off to the bathroom to "cleanse his mouth is a vile drink" as he says.

It was one of those rare times where Kaeya and Diluc we're getting along as brothers, while I was taking care of a drink Venti and paying his tab for him.

And then of course, I had to carry Kaeya home as well.

Another time was when Eula had asked him to spar with him, and Jean was watching them while doing her work.

But I replaced his usual sword with one which was of horrible quality.
Forged by an amateur, not polished, grip was extremely loose and so on.
Kaeya would definitely rant about such a sword.

He lost almost immediately, and Jean and Eula poked at him for it ever since whenever they see him.

I don't think he has fully forgiven me yet, but I'm sure he'll get over it.

There are so many other times where we have had fun with each other, and then talk about it while trying to go to bed.

But that's what Kaeya looks like on the outside and when in public.
In the privacy of our home, he's a different person, one who has a lot of trauma.

He usually is crying in his room, looking at pictures of his true family from Khaenri'ah that he carried with him when coming here.

He also reminds himself of when Diluc and him would get along as kids, before their father had died and how it was all his fault.

It makes me miserable to come home and see my love sitting on the floor in a corner with a tear stained face and and his usually organized hair messy, sulking in his own sorrow.

He has this dark and gloomy atmosphere surrounding him only in public which others fail to notice, but at home it expands and puts this uneasy feeling in every room of the house as memories flood his mind.

"I'm home Kaeya!" I would usually say as I enter our house, only to see him in such a state.
I then quickly lock the door and run to him to comfort him the best I can.

He likes it when I pull him into a hug and kiss his forehead, it stops his sobs for little while.

"I'm sorry darling that you have to come to see me like this nearly everyday." He would mutter something like that as he sniffles and I run my fingers through his hair.

"It's fine Kaeya, I understand," I whisper while he slowly gets up, "You don't have to apologize, all I want is for you is to be your wonderful self, and this is a part of that."

I try my best for him to accept his past and not think about it so often for his own health, but it can get hard when your get abandoned by two families, your nation died and have a constant fear that people will abandon you again, especially the one he loves the most in the whole world.

I assure him often that I'm not going anywhere and will help him get through this, but the doubts don't leave his mind.

Near the beginning of our relationship, we had gotten into a quarrel and I left our home for a few days to live with my parents.

When I returned to apologize to him and talk to him, he was a complete mess and he went into a guilt overboard and wouldn't let go from me for a week to me sure I don't leave him again.

It was the first time I saw Kaeya like this and realized how much he loved me.

I really regret when I left him like that, it's one of our darkest moments.

But aside from all that, we have a happy, healthy relationship.
Full of jokes, cuddles, and going places on special days or just to spend time together. And this man comes up with some of the most original ideas for an outing, and I mean that.

We had gone to Liyue for Lantern rite once, and he arranged a picnic on a boat he rented (which was quite expensive) for my birthday, which I had forgotten myself.

But then he fell into the water.

We had a good laugh about it.

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