1 (updated)

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Just saying already if anything bad is in a chapter I'll put a warning in the beginning

(Fully edited and finished)

1375 Words

This was it, just one more year in a man-made purgatory before you were off on your own. It didn't help that it was the middle of the year. And it certainly didn't help that for some reason your family relocated to the town that was cursed, proof that hell did in fact exist. Hawkins Indiana famous for its "mysterious deaths and government cover ups". You'd read in a newspaper from your previously local library there was an entire mall that caught on fire 'mysteriously' and killed a shit ton of people. Sounded pretty sketchy.

You'd just have to hope half heartedly you survived long enough to get the hell out of here.

The town was pretty small, kind of place where everyone knew everyone and news traveled fast. News of the 'new kid' spread like wild fire, you couldn't even get to your locker without the preppy cheerleaders and jocks offering to show you around or sign you up for a million different activities that frankly all sounded horrible. Apparently it was a rare sight to see new people lately with all the rumors surrounding the town. You guessed your parents were an exception.

With everyone bombarding you, you took notes on who to avoid and who was possibly safe, so far none inhabited in the second category.

The day went by smoothly the campus was easy enough to learn and the interactions lessened to close to none by the time lunch rolled around. This was the worst part.

Everything seemed to be like your old town, separated by social conformities, the jocks and cheerleaders, the 'geeks', the preppy student council members, the 'gothic' or 'emotional' kids, the band kids, the environmentalists, and alot more. The separation made you nauseous.

You just sat at an empty table denying the offers made by others to sit at their divisional cliques. Once you sat down someone not-so-subtly started going off on some kind of rant loud enough for everyone to hear. He seemed like an eccentric asshole. Immediately you noticed a piece of black fabric appearing to be a bandana sticking out of his back left pocket, a very easily recognizable code you'd used from time to time when in need of some self loathing.

Once he seemed to settle down you picked up your bag walking over to that table, maybe an eccentric asshole was just your style. He and the other, much younger, people sitting at the table wore a shirt with a devil figure on it labeled 'Hellfire Club' with what appeared to be multi-sided dice decorating the design.
'Perfect' you thought.

"Well well, looky looky gang, it's the newbie. Might I ask what a little lost sheep like you is doing here?" He said in a dramatized tone of voice. Lost sheep? You rolled your eyes at the nickname. This guy seemed to have some kind of savior complex but something is better than nothing.

"I noticed your shirts I'm guessing your a DnD club?" You moved the conversation along, all you wanted was a place to sit and be left alone by the preppy kids.

"What an astute observation!" He went on again, he seemed to like doing voices and everyone at his table laughing tipped you off that he was the class clown type, willing to put himself out there for a laugh or two. "You are correct welcome to the Hellfire club's table sir y/n, feel free to throw your lunch at us and be on your way." So this wasn't only the weirdos and outcasts table it was the weirdos and ourcasts table.

"No, no nothing like that, I might actually be interested in joining." You mused, sensing this was a waste of time. "If this isn't some elite private club." This 'ringleader' character seemed genuinely shocked as he spoke, as did the others.

"Jeff you're our group historian," he started "when was the last time someone came up to us and wanted to engage with us?" he turned to another seated at the table who pretended to think back.

"Let's see," he dramatically scratched his chin, "the last time was never ago." It almost made you feel sorry for them, but it's understandable. People can't seem to process differences among the human race.

"Well let history be made my friends, welcome in y/n." The main one stood to take a bow, it felt unnatural to feel so welcome but weird things happen every day.


After the last class of the day, your new acquaintance you'd come to know as Eddie caught up to you, out of breath with some kind of fabric in his hand.

"Hey new kid," he stopped infront of you catching his breath for a moment. "This is for you," presented now in his hands was a shirt matching his own. "Sorry if it's a little small this was the only spare we had," he laughed to himself.

"Thanks," you took it, a weird sense of calm washing over you.

"By the way," he started stretching out the syllables. "There's a campaign tonight and one of our members is out again, can you make it?" Eddie asked with exaggeratedly hopeful eyes. So that's why he was in such a hurry, from his mannerisms and extrovert personality you figured he had to be the dungeon master.

"I guess I can clear my very busy schedule, I'm already invited to twelve parties and their after parties," you sarcastically quipped, really you had all the time in the world and more. He laughed at your joke and started to fake-bow slightly.

"Great, see you then, starts at 5 just be back at the school by then and we'll show you where to go." He smiled then started sprinting off before you could get another word in, likely to plan the campaign. The shirt in your hands now felt like a token, something to commemorate this oh so lovely day at Hawkins High School.


Five o'clock at the high school, on the dot. As you pulled up you recognized Eddie out front waving at you, some others were walking into the gym as well, quite clearly not there for a Dungeons and Dragons multi-hour session.

You stepped out only to be greeted by Eddie pulling open your door himself. "Welcome sir y/n to The Cult of Vecna." His voice lowered dramatically. The best way to describe this man was the word dramatically.

"Well hello sir Eddie, quick question, whats going on over there?" You pointed to the gymnasium.

"Ah, basketball game," he said almost as if it was painful to say. "That's why out members out, he's been roped into the dark side." He sighed quite loudly staring off in that direction. You started to step out of the car yet were still blocked by him, a little too close for comfort. "First things first, we need to be sure you know what you're doing." He mused, sounding slightly more serious. "What's your class and level." He sort of demanded rather than ask.

"Chaotic Evil Halfling Thief, Level 12, at your service." You responded as snarkly as him. He acted surprised and started nodding his head.

"Welcome to hellfire." He finally stepped back giving you room to let out a breath you didn't know you needed.

Walking into the campaign room was like wandering onto a movie set, everything was put together so extravagantly. A huge table in the middle of the room with a map board already set up, piles upon piles of pieces were scattered around the head of the table where a beautiful, albeit slightly overcompensating, throne sat. Almost everybody was there by now with only the younger members, Mike and Dustin, on the way.

"Like what you see?" Eddie asked presenting everything with his arms open, "our own little slice of Heaven."

"It's amazing, I've never seen a set up quite like this before," you said wandering around the area.

"Courtesy of our own Eddie Munson," Gareth chimed in. Not long after you, the other two boys arrived apologizing for their tardiness, and let the games begin.

The Hanky Code (Eddie Munson x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now