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Okay but first thanks for 1700 (1800 now Jesus Christ-) reads it makes me super happy that people enjoy my story 😭
Tw: mentions of mental hospitals and EDs
There are some cute filler scenes before that so please enjoy
1948 words

The walkie-talkie started emitting static and Dustin's voice asking "Eddie? Y/n? Do you guys copy?"
Eddie hopped out of the boat and pressed the button on the side.
"We copy Dustin, what's the news?"
"Well luckily they weren't there for you, but someone else just died, and yea they're still convinced you did it."
"Shit," Eddie lowered his head in defeat.
"But don't worry, we're looking into some theories we have, and we have Nancy with us now."
"Nancy Wheeler?" You asked suprised.
"Yes Nancy Wheeler."
"That is the biggest plot twist of this whole thing." Eddie said getting a laugh from you both.
"Anyway we'll let you guys know if we find anything important, keep in touch." Dustin finished.

"Copy that Henderson." Eddie set the walkie-talkie down turning to you, "so even more time to kill, no pun intended." you tried to look disappointed but failed miserably, it was hard to keep the smile off your face.
"What's that about? I said not intended," he said smiling himself.
"Oh it was definitely intended."
"Okay maybe it was," he laughed, "so what do you wanna do?"
"What even is there to do?"
He stood reaching a hand out to help you up, "let's go look."

"This man has nothing," Eddie laughed, he was in the hall closet, it was mostly filled with towels, toilet paper, just normal hall closet stuff.
On the bottom shelf though, you caught a glimpse of some printer paper. Excited you grabbed a few sheets holding them up.
"Does he have pencils, pens? Or markers?" you asked practically bouncing.
"Do I finally get to watch you draw if he does?"
You nodded your head, the smile overtaking your face. He smiled back.

You did end up finding a few pens and random colored markers and highlighters in a junk drawer. Not the best to work with but it was something. You took great pride in your art, sure you weren't the best at it, but you had your own special style that you loved. You mentioned to Eddie before that you took art class and he practically begged to see something you did, but showing people wasn't really something you liked.

It didn't matter now though, you were just excited to be able to.  It turned into somewhat of a coping mechanism for you, always you kept markers with you to doodle on your hand or classwork if you were anxious.

You two grabbed more paper, all the drawing utensils you could find, snacks, and some books for a hard surface before heading back to the boat house.

You handed Eddie a piece of paper and pen before taking your own.
"Alright but just warning you now, I have zero experience." he said setting the paper on a hardcover book.
"You did the hellfire logo didn't you?"
"Yea but that was mostly traced plus I had help from Gareth."
"Well it doesn't matter what it looks like, just put pen to paper, make something cool."

You sat in silence mostly, saying something every once in a while. Other than that the only sound came from the music, and the sounds from outside.

You decided to draw Eddie, and with the blue and pink highlighters you could make it look really neat. You hid it from him the whole time.

"Come onnn y/n it's less fun when I don't get to see the progress."
You stayed silent, smiling and laughing to yourself.
"Pleasee." he gave you puppy dog eyes, clearly not seriously. You held up a finger, shushing him, and kept your eyes trained on the drawing. He sighed in defeat going back to whatever he was drawing.

You hummed along to the song, checking to see if you missed anything, then grabbed the highlighters. They were mostly for little details, highlights, side doodles, you made a pair of devil horns with the pink one. You smiled feeling accomplished then tapping him on the head.

The Hanky Code (Eddie Munson x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now