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Tw: Topics of substance abuse
2080 words

Max had been awake for several hours, she didn't talk much as mostly all of her body's energy was going into healing. Lucas was now reading a book to her while she drifted off to sleep again. Eddie had gone with his uncle Wayne to move whatever they could out of their trailer to one the insurance company gave them from the damage. Steve, Robin, and Nancy had gone home to go back to school and whatever Steve does. You couldn't bring yourself to go home yet, you also wanted to stay with Max just in case.

After about 2 full days at the hospital a group came in to visit Max. You recognized one as Mike, there was also two others close to his age, along with two older guys and someone who looked like an out-of-uniform doctor.

They introduced themselves as Eleven Hopper, Will and Johnathan Byers, Argyle, and Sam Owens. Sam was Joyce's friend that the others told you about, he was also one of the main people keeping Eleven safe. The group hadn't been in contact with Joyce, she was apparently on a business trip in Alaska.

"So wanted for murder, huh?" Sam asked when you explained everything, he was already aware of the upside down obviously. "That can be easily fixed don't you worry." You took a sigh of relief.
"Thank you so much sir."
"No problem kid, we'll get it all taken care of. These poor kids have gone through so much these past years I'm sure they don't want their friends behind bars." He started writing down whatever story you all made up adding in whatever you'd missed that was safe to tell.

"Yea, they handle it well though, they're pretty strong."
"Been dealing with all of this since they were 12, except the girl, poor thing was born into this mess."
"Yea the others told me, she seems like a good kid."
"She's a toughie, I'm just glad she's in a happy home, hopefully they're all free of this now that Henry's gone. They need to enjoy their youth."
"I haven't spent a lot of time with them, but whatever I have that wasn't monster hunting they were acting like kids, completely normal and they seemed to be happy." You attempted to reassure him, the man seemed like he was under a tremendous amount of stress.

"That's great to hear, they need people like you and Eddie to let loose and have fun with."
"I'll do my best for them sir," you reassured giving him a promising smile, "and thank you again for your help."
"Don't mention it kid."

Your heart was racing the closer you got to your destination. A few more days had passed of legal proceedings and hospital visits. Like Dr.Owens said, he took care of everything and proved you and Eddie not guilty, Jim Hopper even came back along with Joyce, must've been an eventful business trip. Apparently Hopper didn't actually die and was instead captured by Russians. His credibility in the town practically tripled when they'd learned how much he went through, so with him on your side as well most of Hawkins stopped being rude to you two. You could then return to class and with a few after school sessions still be able to graduate.

Now was the time you were dreading even more than facing a town full of people that hated you. Eddie offered to drive you as moral support, he understood how difficult this was.

"Are you absolutely sure you want to face them?" He asked reaching over to hold your hand which you gladly took.
"I'm sure, I mean I'm not ready but I gotta do it some time." You two approached the house now. When he pulled up you sat for a second to calm your nerves, then when you were ready you got out of the car and started walking up the driveway.

You barely figured they'd even care to see you, or even notice you were gone. But you needed to know, and you needed something clean to wear, that was the main reason your feet dragged you to the front door. Your nerves danced throughout your body while you knocked on the door.

The second to last thing you expected was for the door to open so quick, the very last thing you expected was your parents to pull you into a hug.
"Oh y/n we've been so worried!" your dad said while your mom started to tear up. You stood completely still unsure of what to do, unsure if this was some kind of mind trick from all the blood loss.
"Come on come inside," your mom spoke wiping her eyes while she grabbed your hand leading you to the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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