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Steve drove everyone to a secluded meadow, if it weren't for the 'end-of-the-world' scenario you'd fawn over the sight. Everyone split off into groups with jobs on what to make. You were helping Steve and Robin fill bottles with gasoline, stuff cloth into the openings, and make any protection necessary for the fight.

Robin was silent, a pretty rare sight. There was thought behind her eyes though, so much thought.
"It just doesn't make sense," Steve said finally.
"What doesn't make sense?" Robin asked. The two barely seemed aware of your presence.
"That was Dan Shelter he graduated like two years ago."
"So he's in college, which means he's visiting on spring break, fast times was returned like, I don't know, a week ago?" Robin stopped pouring the gasoline while Steve went on his tangent, he stuffed a washcloth into the mouth of the bottle. "Right? Unless she's got some horn dog brother we don't know about-"
"Steve." Robin cut him off motioning subtly in your direction. You sat confused trying to piece what Steve was saying together. Then it hit you.

"Wait, she? Isn't fast times some kind of 'code' for boobs or something?" you asked while Robin looked horrified.
"See! Robin, even y/n knows people who watch Fast Times watch it for the boobies."
"Steve can you stop saying boobies?" There was clearly a topic going undiscussed but you didn't want to push it, Robin laughed to herself but was visably uncomfortable.
"Cmon, y/n can agree right? Boobies are great."

You bit your lip to keep from bursting out laughing. You debated in your head for a while before deciding, 'fuck it.' you thought.
"Actually, I'm not the biggest fan of 'boobies'" you said, air-quoting the word, Robin seemed much less uncomfortable now.
"Wait you, you mean?" Steve seemed at lost for words, the laugh you bit back escaped now as you doubled over from it. "Why do they all come to me." Steve joked laughing himself, Robin joined in too, you knew you made the right decision. Once the laughing subsided the conversation started up again.

"So, Robin, I'm guessing you're a, Fast times fan?" Steve started laughing again as they set up the next bottle, you filled the backpacks side pocket with the one they just finished.
"I guess if you want to put it that way."
"So, y/n, settle something, if someone returns fast times paused right when Phoebe Cates shirt is off," Robin rolled her eyes at this, "they like boobies right?"
"I'd assume so."
"See! Robin she likes boobies, unless she's just really into Judge Reinhold?"

"Steve, I don't care, I don't understand why you do either with everything that's going on." her laughter was gone, voice laced with seriousness "Honestly, this seems like the perfect time for that little pull of the rug because in the face of the world ending, the stakes of my love life feel spectacularly low." All laughter between the three of you now was gone.
"Yea, I get you there but, I still have hope."
"Not everything's a happy ending,"

You started tuning their conversation out, your sight shifted to a certain pair in the field. They were hitting their shields together and actually playing like little kids. Dustin kept griping about Eddie using two shields being unfair. You couldn't help but smile at how heartwarming the scene was, seeing them so carefree in the moment.

"Y/n," Steve nudged you with his elbow, him and Robin both held bottles as if they were toasting. "Eyes on anyone out there?" he said suggestively, clearly now your closeness with Eddie was setting something off in his brain, it felt like a parallel to the discussion with Max.

"No just, lost in thought," you smiled to yourself grabbing the third bottle out of the bag.

"To killing Vecna," Steve initiated.
"Slash Henry," Robin added.
"Slash One."

The ride to the Creel house was silent, everyone was preparing themselves mentally for what was going to happen. The plan was clear now.

Phase one, everyone gets into position while Erica, Lucas, and Max search for Vecna in the real world's house. Steve, Nancy, and Robin then meet Erica at the playground out front.
Phase two, Max baits Vecna to get him into the trance.
Phase three, You, Dustin, and Eddie distract the bats.
Phase four, they burn the fucker alive.

The Hanky Code (Eddie Munson x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now