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Tw: descriptions of death, Jason
3302 words

"Grab your tape, grab the walkman. Time for Plan B." he commanded looking over at the boat.

You two were rushing around trying to get the boat ready quickly and quietly. Checking every few moments that they were still in the house.
"Alright there we go, after you y/n."

You took a step feeling your weight bring the boat down slightly, but it stayed afloat. Eddie helped you the rest of the way before hopping in himself. You each grabbed a paddle pushing against the boathouse wherever you could reach to bring it out of the little space. It was almost completely dark by now, the only light coming from the moon.

By the time you paddled out and got a few feet away Jason and his friend had realized where you two were. All panic ensued in a frenzy of whisper-shouting and rocking the boat a little too much.
"The engine the engine!" you told him as he was right next to it. Jason was swimming closer. Damn these jocks.

He stood grabbing the handle and pulling it, over and over, nothing started.
"Come on, you gotta work with me, you piece of shit!" Eddie kept yanking it, only making noises never starting.
"Nope? Okay alright okay." he went back to sitting and grabbed his paddle again, you hurried to start again too. The only words that could leave your mouth was a string of curses under your breath.

"Hey come on we almost have them!" you heard Jason yell, you turned around and his friend had stopped dead in his place. "Hey Patrick!" Jason stopped pursuing you, trying to get the attention of the other guy. You and Eddie had stopped rowing, looking at each other then the scene in front of you.

Suddenly Patrick lifted out of the water. The startle made Eddie fall back into the water, followed by you when you tried to grab him.

You resurfaced to see him, still in the air, all bones in the process of cracking. Just like Chrissy.
"Shit shit shit Eddie come on we gotta go!" you yelled at him, who's eyes were fixated on the scene in complete horror. He snapped out of it and joined you in swimming away. Jason didn't follow, he swam to the now dead body of his friend in shock and disbelief.

You reached the shore completely across the lake from the house. Gasping for air, you two laid on your backs trying to catch your breath. Your limbs already started to ache.
"Son of a bitch." Eddie said when he stopped coughing.
"That was really really not good." you said finally.
"Oh you think?"
"Shut up, let's get moving." you said standing up and patting him on the chest. "No doubt Jason's called someone by now, or will soon."

After hours of aimless walking the sun started rising again. You were both exhausted, legs feeling weak but still functional, and you were starving. In the distance you could see some kind of boulder structure that resembled a skull.

"Oh thank god, finally, a landmark." he said, some how he still had enough energy to run up to it.
"Jesus Christ Eddie slow down." you called after him not getting a response. "What is this place?"
"It's called Skull Rock, some teens usually come here to make out."
"Wait, is it really a good idea to be here then?"
"With everything going on? I doubt people want to walk through the woods." He said matter-of-factly. You took the walkie out of your pocket to see if there was a chance it was still usable.

Absolutely soaked.
"Shit." you said dropping it and sitting with your back against the rock.
"What happened?"
"Walkies dead," he started laughing under his breath.
"We just can't catch a break can we?" he joined you sitting by the rock. "What about the tape?"
You took it out of your other pocket, again completely soaked, you sighed letting your head hit the hard surface behind you.
They better find a way to fix this soon.

The Hanky Code (Eddie Munson x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now