784 29 18

Tw: description of injuries, basically everything that happened in the show
No Jason this time though :)
3784 words

"Steve!" everyone on board chorused. You were all was screaming for a second trying to gather your thoughts as everything happened so fast. Right away Nancy stood up ready to jump, stopped by Eddie.
"Wait wait wait," he said grabbing her arm, "you're not going in there are you?" she seemed determined looking between Eddie and the lake for a brief moment.
"Just, wait here." she said, finally taking the dive after Steve.

"No, Nancy!" Robin yelled after her but she was already under. Eddie let out a yell of frustration. Everything was happening faster than you could react. Already now Robin was on the lip of the boat ready to tag along.
"Nononono," Eddie said grabbing her arm with more urgency than Nancy's. "What are you doing? She said wait."
"Yea I heard her." she wasn't hesitant for a second.
"She's in charge!" he said hoping to keep someone on board.

"Are you kidding? I made that shit up." she said before plugging her nose and falling back into the water.
"God dammit! You lying-" he spaced his words apart yelling them out. "Son of a-" he was shrieking now, a new voice, it's new name was Tantrum Eddie. "Bitch!"

You were fully prepared now to follow them, no sense in staying when the oars already fell through. He took notice at what you were doing.
"God dammit y/n, not you too!" he groaned as you stood up straight.
"Better be right behind me, together remember?" you said before saluting with two fingers, kicking off the boat with one foot and falling into the water. The swim down wasn't far, the 'gate' below was glowing red easily visable by now. Though muffled, you could hear Tantrum Eddie's voice come back shouting a string of curses.

Thankfully on the other side there wasn't water. And holy shit was this place a sight. It was exactly like where you were before, although drained and covered in these weird looking vines. They looked alive almost. There was a blue aura settling over everything and very visable dust particles in the air. The sky was covered in clouds, entranced in a storm of some sorts of red lightning. Eddie popped out of the gate close behind you, you could still see Robin and Nancy slightly ahead of you running to where you could hear Steve screaming.

"You're so fucking dead after we get outta here." Eddie said breathless. You grabbed an oar that sat on the side, the other taken by the girls already.
"C'mon, hurry up you big baby." you said running after the others, Eddie shouting at you something you didn't care to listen to.

Steve was layed on the ground, there was a bat looking creature with its tail around his neck, two others chewing at his abdomen. The sight almost made you sick. Nancy and Robin were at work already with the bat restricting his air flow, after swinging at the other two to get them off Steve. You stood there next to Eddie gripping the oar tightly when another bat came swooping back, you hit it and pinned it down on the ground while Eddie stomped on it repeatedly.

Everyone fended off the bats, Steve taking the final blow personally swinging a bat by its tail against the ground repeatedly, then stepping on it and fucking ripping it in half. You all caught your breath trying to understand what just happened, Eddie and yourself more so than the others.

"Jesus H Christ!" Eddie yelled stomping a foot on the ground.
"Hey we lived didn't we?" you asked in a slightly raised voice, like that of a mother scolding a toddler. He gave a lazy nod.
"Then quit your whining."

Nancy was over at Steve checking his wounds and asking him if he was alright. He assured he was but his abdomens words spoke louder. Robin was over a bat's body inspecting it with a flashlight.
"You guys don't think these things have like, rabies right?" everyone turned to her with a 'what' expression. "It's just that rabies are like, my number one fear and I think we should get you to a doctor soon. Because once the symptoms set in it's too late, you're already like dead." everyone stared at her for a moment before there was a loud sound, similar to the bats but from more of them, from behind you.

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