6 (updated)

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Tw: mentions of nightmares and visions, references to Ed's and mental hospitals.
Enjoy the ride :)
2695 words

Time for Friday, last part was on Tuesday

The headaches and nightmares persisted, for so long. It's been 5 days by now. You'd gone to Miss Kelly because they just got worse and worse, all she did was baby you, well that's what it seemed like. She kept saying things like 'take more Tylenol' and 'get some rest'. But the rest wasn't something you wanted, sleeping meant more nightmares. And you just couldn't deal with that anymore.

The lack of sleep left you mostly drained during the day, and highly on edge. You could barely focus in classes anymore leaving some of your teachers worried for you. You just brushed them off as you really couldn't care less.

You didn't go to Eddie's as much in the mornings, usually they started super early now. When you arrived at school barely anyone was in the parking lot so you figured you'd sit in your car and relax for a bit. After a few minutes you heard a noise, somewhat sounding like an old clock like one your grandmother had. You looked around quickly and spotted right by your driver side window, a tall, old looking, grandfather clock. Startled, you jumped up falling into the passenger seat and just stared at it.

Five chimes. It chimed five times.

The glass on the front then began to crack and break away, leaving a hole in the middle. And hundreds of little black spiders crawled out along the sides and face of the clock. Your breath quickened and you felt a taste rise in your throat.

Knock knock knock.

A knock turned your attention to behind you, the passenger side window. It was Eddie. You turned back infront of you to see the clock was gone now. He knocked again a slightly worried expression on his face. You fumbled with the door handle quickly opening it and pulling your legs fully over to the passenger side now. You almost stumbled out of the car.

"Hey, woah you ok?" Eddie gripped your shoulder keeping you up.
You turned back to where the clock had been, maybe you were dreaming it? Yea, you probably fell asleep on accident.
"Yea, yea I'm fine sorry, just- I'm just tired today."
"You seem pretty alive to me, are you sure?"
"Yes Eddie I'm fine!" you said, way more rude than you intended. Guilt coursed through your veins seeing his hurt expression.
"I'm- I'm sorry Eddie, I guess I'm just a little on edge is all."
"Another nightmare?" he said barely above a whisper as others started filling out the parking lot. You hesitated for a second before nodding and turning your attention to the ground. He'd found out one particularly bad morning when you slept on his couch again, that time you'd woken up with a shout which he heard. You still refused to share details which he never understood and kept persistently asking for, however you just brushed him off.

"Wanna ditch? I'm sure nothing importants happening today and we can just come back for the meet?"
"Eddie you have to be there for as many of Ms. O'Donnells that you can."
"Oh come on what's one day? You're clearly not in a good state right now school will just add stress on top of that. Cmoooon y/nnn don't be a buzzkill."
Already a good mood was washing over you, but still the incident with the clock just felt, uneasy. It rested in a permanent spot in your mind like a branding iron was pressed against your brain, the headache accompanying making it feel slightly more real.
"Fine, but where do you wanna go?"
"That's a surprise just hop in."

Eddie drove the two of you out somewhere far, somewhere you didn't even know existed around here until now.
"You're not gonna murder me in a field are you? I've seen too many horror movies Munson." he scoffed lightheartedly.
"No no I won't murder you, I uh- I actually had this planned this already, you just seemed like you needed a break you've been really on edge lately."
He reached behind his seat pulling out two paper bags, one labeled Eddie the Brave, the other y/n the Charming, presenting them to you with a 'ta-da'.
You smiled at him widely.
"Eddie this is really nice, thank you."
"Oh don't even mention it, y/n the Charming, now come forth, to the field of the freaks."

The Hanky Code (Eddie Munson x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now