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Tw: descriptions of injury and surgery
1542 words

After some time the others made it back to the trailer.
"Holy shit what happened here?" Steve asked being first through the gate. He was followed by Nancy, then Robin. You three explained everything that happened, from the bats breaking in to Dustin and his fire.

They also explained the situation with Vecna, how he fell from the second story and his body disappeared, either from burning alive or another option nobody wanted to explore. Hopefully he was gone for good now.

"Well, we should get you guys to the hospital to properly treat those." Nancy suggested pointing towards your wounds.
"Wait," Dustin started, "we can't exactly tell the real situation and these two are still wanted men. They're going to get arrested."
"It doesn't matter Henderson, we can go through all the legal shit and prove their innocence." Steve had spoken up now, "It's worth it so they don't bleed out or something."

Eventually you all agreed, before going though you tried getting in contact with Max, Lucas, and Erica to no avail. It's possible their Walkie broke or died so you tried not to sweat it much. But there was still this gut feeling something was wrong that you tried to ignore.

The walk to the hospital could barely be classified as that from the slow pace. You took the back roads to avoid cops or anyone else you could until you arrived. Steve and Robin were helping you two walk while Dustin and Nancy walked ahead and behind to be lookout and navigators.

"So," Robin said next to you, "gonna have some pretty killer scars, huh." you laughed although strained from the pain that was becoming more and more bearable.
"Oh yeah, the biggest silver lining in all of this mess."
"You could make like, a ton of money, people pay to see freaky shit."
"Robin you are a genius." you both laughed now, your smile dropped when a thought crossed your mind. "Do you think Max is okay?"
"Don't worry about it, I'm sure she's fine," she said although there was a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

You all arrived at the hospital, there was some kind of commotion from an ambulance outside. Everyone's stomachs immediately sank, you knew, exactly what was happening.

The pace of the group hurried as much as possible, your injuries burned from being overworked but it didn't matter in the moment. Nearing closer, you caught a glimpse of someone being pulled out of the ambulance, the nurses and doctors almost all started freaking out, two of them fainting. Barely any kept a level head.

Three others stepped out of the vehicle, immediately recognizable as Lucas and Erica, and Jason? And the ginger hair as well as the familiar outfit clued you in as to who was on the stretcher. Your stomach sank even further as guilt started to set in.

As if to add insult to injury, the nurses, doctors, receptionist, basically everyone was freaked out to see the two most wanted people in Hawkins walk into a building like an average night. Luckily they were required to treat the two of you before going into anything legal. So many people gave you two nasty looks and comments that you'd tried to ignore.

The biggest shock was when Jason walked in the room you two shared while recovering, head hung low in defeat. You and Eddie shared a glance before turning back to him. It was just the three of you in the room. He didn't speak up, it's like he was searching for the right words.

"Um, hi?" You said unsure if he was an illusion or not.
"Hey," he said in a low voice, "look I just wanted to say I'm sorry I know now that you two didn't kill Chrissy." he paused for a moment, you and Eddie sat dumbfounded and extremely confused. "Sinclair told me everything, I didn't believe it until I saw that red haired girl- you know, and how much he cared for her." he sounded distraught, and almost on the verge of tears.

"I just," he started up again, "I just couldn't come to terms with the fact Chrissy wouldn't come to me about her problems over Eddie, it was selfish of me I just completely, snapped or something I don't know. And I'm sorry." he said the last part quietly but his words weren't lost.

You were at a loss for words, completely astonished that Jason, the main 'angry hick' trying to hunt you down and kill you, was here, guilt ridden, tail tucked tightly between his legs, apologizing.

"Don't sweat it man," Eddie said, half sincere half to break the silence.
"Yea, don't sweat it," you added.
"Right, um, I'm gonna go." he said pointing to the door before turning and leaving.

The moment the door clicked in place you and Eddie started talking again.
"Never in a million years did I think I'd see whatever that was from Jason Carver." Eddie scoffed.
"Yea that was, an experience." you added with a laugh.

After some more tests and examining, your doctors gave you the green light to leave and warned you the cops might be banging down the door for you two. You immediately found the others in the waiting room, Max had been in surgery for hours trying to get her bones back into place.

They said she had a very good chance of survival but would need to be in a wheelchair for months, she also had most likely lost her eyesight completely. Vecna had gotten to her, he didn't kill her, but she didn't get away in time. Almost every single main bone in her body had snapped.

The overwhelming feeling of guilt washed over you, you kept thinking Maybe if I'd just fought her on it more, she'd be alright. Lucas was completely silent waiting, the others made awkward small talk to pass the time.

Word had now gotten around to the police of you and Eddie being at the hospital. They'd come at some point to interview you two to determine weather you were guilty or if more evaluation was needed.

Thankfully you and the group made up a good story from partial truth that'd keep them busy enough for the meantime while you waited to get in contact with Joyce. She had friends at Hawkins National Laboratory that could help prove your innocence.

You told them you and Eddie hadn't seen her until you left the trailer for a hellfire meet, then you saw her body got spooked and ran, which was true. You hid in the cabin in case whatever psycho killed her was looking for you, which was true. You didn't hear anything from blasting music, which was also true.

The others were interviewed as well, they agreed to all say they were looking for you because they were worried. And that they agreed to hide you until they figured out how to keep you from being arrested. Technically you weren't fugitives so they couldn't get in trouble for harboring you.

After about 28 hours Max was out of surgery and able to have visitors after a 6 hour grace period for her to rest. She hadn't woken up from all the sedatives but she was alive and after some recovery she would be okay.

The 6 hours felt way longer than that, you could practically feel and see grey hair growing on everyone from the stress. Lucas even still refused to speak to anyone or eat anything. Only random words here and there as to not be rude.

The kids parents came in to check on them hours ago, Dustins mom was really friendly and the two seemed close. It was heartwarming to see. She really liked Steve for taking care of Dustin through all this, there was even a joke made that he was like his second mom.

The Sinclair's weren't as nice but still cared for their kids and were glad to see them safe. They let Lucas and Erica stay for Max then left to bring them back some clothes.

Nancy's mom came with Holly, Nancy and Mike's little sister. She couldn't stop hugging her, expressing how scared she was to let her go again. She also said how worried she was about Mike to which Nancy tried reassuring her.

Even Eddie's uncle Wayne came, he stayed right by Eddie's side the whole time after a long, and slightly painful for Eddie, hug. Wayne went through a mix of reprimanding him and being glad he was okay.

You were subtly jealous that your parents didn't show, they were probably to high to know what was going on any way. You couldn't put in the energy to care anymore.

Finally after a long time, the 6 hours were up and visiting hours were open. Lucas was obviously first in the room and wouldn't leave. Max was barely conscious enough to talk but the doctors assured she would be fully awake within the hour. Everyone talked one-way to her, saying how glad they were that she was alright. So many tears were shed in the room that day.

One part left after this one!

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