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Tw: Death mentions, panic attack
Also we're gonna pretend Mr.Clarke followed the party to high school
1406 words

"Y/n oh my god! Are you okay, can you hear me?" Eddie asked frantically.
Your eyes met his finally and you grabbed onto him for dear life.
"Hey hey I'm here now, you're here, it's ok you'll be ok."
"This... Thing made me see things, horrible things. I thought I was gonna die Eddie I really thought I was gonna die."
"You're not gonna die you're gonna be ok." the worry and pain in his voice and your own was evident, you didn't even realize you both were crying.

You two sat for a minute holding onto eachother, both trying to calm down. Your hands tightened their grip on his shirt as reality began to sink in. Whatever this is, whatever it was, it's trying to kill you.
"How did you wake up? I mean I couldn't wake you up I really thought you were a gonner."

You were starting to piece together what actually happened. "I, I heard music? I heard a song playing and ran to it."
"Music? Really?"
"Yea, yea! I remember now, Mr.Clarke was telling us how music can reach parts of the brain words can't, I don't know how it started playing but it was a fucking miracle."
You two pulled apart, Eddie face was filled with shock and relief.
"The stereo! I bumped into it and your song started playing!" you two hugged again even tighter than before.
"Eddie you're a hero. I mean seriously I think I really could've died."
"But if, whatever you saw was trying to kill you, how do we know it wont come back? Like how could we keep it away from you?" you thought for a moment, and suddenly an idea came to mind.

"My walkman! I have a walkman in my car, maybe I could loop the song until it gets bored of me."
"Well let's go get it then."

He walked over grabbing the tape for you after helping you up, when the music stopped though, you both heard a noise outside. Almost like a snapping sound, like branches but worse. You looked at eachother before hurrying to the door and opening it.

It was a horrific sight.

There was a cheerleader, Chrissy it read on her jacket. She was up in the air, all her bones effortlessly snapping in all different directions. Like a finishing move her jaw snapped as well and then a squelching sound rang through your ears. Her eyes completely caved in, her body then dropping and hitting the ground.

You both let out screams, screams of pure unadulterated terror.

"Shit y/n we gotta run!" he ran to his van pulling you behind him.
"What the fuck was that?!" you screamed.
You both hopped into the van, he quickly turned the ignition pulling away from his trailer and driving off.

"Shit shit shit shit, holy fucking shit!" he screamed hitting the steering wheel. "She was coming for a drug deal I completely forgot, FUCK."
"Are we just gonna leave her there??"
"You know us y/n, we're in the DnD club we'll be the first suspects!" he was drumming his hands on the wheel clearly extremely anxious. "That's why she seemed so weird in the forrest, she was all jumpy and anxious, I just thought she was worried she'd be caught, holy shit!"
"Where are we even going?"
"Remember Reefer Rick? He let's me stay at his cabin we can hide out there until we figure out if we're suspects or not. Don't worry he has a stereo."

You still couldn't process what happened, you'd just witnessed some, demonic thing murder an innocent girl. It seemed like the same thing that happened to you, with the levitation.
Holy shit.

That's what could've happened to you, that's what would've happened if it weren't for the song. The idea of all your own bones breaking sent chills up and down your spine, you felt itchy, like your skin was made fully of needles. You became short of breath, you gripped your hair, your shirt, like you were trying to pull yourself back to reality.

"Hey hey, y/n! It's alright calm down we're gonna be alright." he reached over grabbing your hand with one of his to keep you from ripping your hair out.

You grabbed his hand with both of yours squeezing hard, you rested your forehead on it trying to calm yourself down. His skin was warm, and while he himself was shaking he was able to keep calm for you. To get you to calm down first.

"Hey breathe with me y/n, in 1-2-3-4," you breathed in, "out 1-2-3-4" you exhaled harshly. He had you repeat the action multiple times slower each time, helping you calm down while driving quite frantically. You still held onto his hand until you reached the cabin. It was by a secluded lake, not a house or a person in sight.

Once he stopped he turned to you, hugging you quickly before leading you up to the house. Immediately he checked he had the cassette, he did, and he played it loud enough for you to hear. You both sat on the couch in utter, shocked, silence.

"That could've happened to me." you blurted out.
"What happened to Chrissy, if it weren't for you that's what would've happened to me." you hugged your arms to your chest, gripping your own arms hard enough to leave light bruises. You looked down at your feet refusing to look up.

Eddie moved closer to you, hesitating for a second, "Is it ok if I touch you right now?" he asked and you nodded. He wrapped his arms around you, the feeling of being safe washed over you. And you shited your grip to his arms. And after everything today, after so much happening, you were left completely drained. You couldn't even cry.

It was late, you couldn't fall asleep still, Eddie couldn't either. Who would after seeing, that? For hours you two just sat in silence, just embraced in each others warmth.

"We should have some water, what do you say?" Eddie asked softly.
"Yea, probably a good idea."
He got up but you just sat. The song still played in its continuous loop. Eddie returned handing you a glass of water.
"Aren't you gonna get sick of it? I thought you said 10 minute loop max." you tried lightening the mood.
"Well if it saves you from, that hell, it's worth it so shut up and enjoy the music." he said scoffing.

He started swaying to the lyrics with his arm around your shoulders.

"I'm lost in admiration, could I need you this much? Oh, you're just wasting my time, you're just, just, just wasting time." he sang softly to you.
Then he abruptly jumped up startling you and started dancing with absolutely no rhythm whatsoever.

"Something happens and I'm head over heels! I never find out, till I'm head over heels." his voice cracked trying to reach the high note which he laughed at and you joined. You jumped up too dancing with him and singing.

"Something happens and I'm head over heels!" you two looked into eachothers eyes singing in perfect sync.
"Oh don't take my heart, don't break my heart, don't, don't, dont throw it away."

You smiled at each other going to hug again.
"Who would've known, Eddie Munson, angsty metalhead, a Tears for Fears fan?"
"They saved your life y/n, I'm their biggest fan now." he said with a smile.

Even with witnessing a brutal murder, almost being brutally murdered, and still in danger. In this moment, everything seemed okay, everything seemed like it'd be alright.

Which you knew deep down wouldn't last long.

Woah two in one day? Writing machine over here B)

Recap if you skipped: Y/n is safe now and they both realize that music was the reason, so they leave the trailer to fetch y/ns walkman but witness Chrissy being Crumbled, She was at Eddie's trailer for a drug deal and over the music they didn't hear her coming up. So they run off to Reefer Ricks cabin to hopefully avoid being suspected for her murder where they realize y/n could've died like Chrissy. And then there's a cute dancing scene.

The Hanky Code (Eddie Munson x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now