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Everyone had left for the night after talking about everything going on, you didn't mention the clock, headaches, or nightmares. All you told them about was the visions and almost-dying part. The other stuff seemed a little personal. They promised to be back in the morning with food, drinks, and a walkman.

They also convinced you two to stay in the boathouse in case you needed to actually use it and get away. They set up the small stero for you two as well. You could never get tired of the song.

It was getting later and later but you still couldn't fall asleep, Eddie did his best to help you but it was obvious he was getting tired.

"Hey what if I looked for a story? Rick's got some book's somewhere." he suggested.
"Aww big bad Eddie Munson reading me a bedtime story?" you asked teasingly.
"Hey if you don't want it that's cool I was just trying-"
"Actually it sounds.. really nice." you added slightly sheepish. With all his voices and from partaking in his campaigns, witnessing how good he was at storytelling, it was certainly an opportunity you weren't about to pass up.
"Okay, I'll be back stay here and don't get murdered." he walked off to the door smiling like a maniac.

In a few minutes he returned with a book titled: The Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything.
"Wow that's mature." you said to him snarkily.
"Shut up, he didn't have any that weren't children's books, Rick's the immature one not me." he said sticking his hands up defensively. "Anyway I hope it's good it was the most interesting one."
"Well I'm sure Mr.Dungeon Master could make it entertaining." he tried to hide it, but he definitely got giddy at the nickname.
"Well, y/n the Banished are you ready for another adventure?" he asked in his usual Narrator Eddie voice.
"I sure am Eddie the Banished."

"Once upon a time" Eddie now deepened his narrating voice, trying to sound like Gandalf. You giggle.

"There was a little old lady who was not afraid of anything." He stuck up his nose and impersonated a teacher showing the pages to the class. Flipping it around with both hands and slowly drifting it back and forth like there were more people there. You wished there were. But you were also glad it was just the two of you.

"One windy afternoon, the little old lady left her cottage and went for a walk in the forest...welp she's dead" he looks to you for a response, but all you can gives is a little admiration smile. Your eyes are too heavy they're weighing down your face.

"She went for a walk in the forest to collect herbs, and spices, and NUTS" he said smiling at his joke "and seeds." He once again showed the class.

"She walked so long, and so far, that it started to get dark. There was only a sliver of moon shining through the night. The little old lady started to walk home." He glanced at you, noticing you're too tired to react to jokes, he clears his throat and continues in his normal voice.

"Suddenly, she stopped. right in the middle of the path, there were two big shoes. And the shoes went, clomp clomp" he knocks on the wooden floor lightly for the shoes."Get out of my way, you two big shoes, I'm not afraid of you! Said the little old lady. On she walked down the path. But behind her she could still hear two shoes go, clomp clomp" he knocks on the ground louder this time. "Shhhh" you say half asleep reaching for his wrist in a zombie like way.

"Oh, sorry" he says now whispering in a more soft voice. "Clomp clomp" now lightly tapping the floor with his ring.

"A little farther on, the little old lady stumbled into a pair of pants, and the pants went, wiggle wiggle" he stops reading and looks around for something to wiggle. He sees the tarp on the boat and frantically shakes it a little. Like there's a time limit on sound effects.

The Hanky Code (Eddie Munson x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now