4 (Updated)

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1370 words

Gonna be a few weeks later just before spring break

The halls were as crowded as usual, as loud as usual, as filled with mouth-breathing inbred idiots as usual. This town was pretty consistent with each passing day getting more and more repetitive. The only change in your usual schedule you could count on was Eddie and the others, they always found a way to break the persistence.

Weather it be skipping a class to smoke in his van or the woods, or impromptu DnD planning, or just stopping you in the halls to say hi, Eddie's presence always saved the day. It's like he was your hero in a town of mindless background characters.

After that night in his trailer, you two have started spending more time together, pretty much any free moment you two were with eachother. Eddie seemed pretty eager to figure you out. Always piecing you together like a puzzle when he stared at you. He was certainly intimidating sometimes, but never in a scary way.

You got to notice little things about him more often, how he went silent when lost in thought then shout at whoever broke it, how he would twist his rings around his fingers when pondering something, and how his voice would get higher and louder when talking passionately about things he enjoyed talking about.

And it was exciting to think about what else you could find out about Eddie Munson.

"Mr.l/n are you with us?" Mrs.Click snapped her fingers at you.
You pushed your head up off the desk, a little too quickly as your vision clouded for a fraction of a second, and just nodded.
"No more dosing off l/n, and I'd like to ask you to read aloud page 63." shit.

You looked down at the book, pages were bent slightly from your head resting on them, the number in the corner read 56, you really missed alot. Frantically, you flipped through the pages a few at a time to make it seem you weren't as lost as you were. Mrs.Click sighed at the front of the room,
"Nevermind it, everyone read on your own now for the rest of class."

Relief flooded your system as you read quickly in hopes of catching up and when the bell rang you barely noticed it but jumped up and walked out of the room with everyone else.

You walked down the hallway, you and Eddie shared a free period so you'd usually meet up but he was nowhere in sight. Just as you were about to walk out to the picnic bench on your own, a pair of hands covered your eyes. They were calloused and the cold metal of the rings decorating them sent a chill down your spine.

"Guess who" the familiar voice called right next to your ear in a singsongy fashion.
"Mrs.Click?" you laughed at yourself.
"Dammit, how'd you guess?" he said, feigning disappointment. He let go and turned you around letting you finally meet those eyes. He smiled his usual goofy smile at you and embraced you in a hug. It didn't even bother you when some passerby yelled fag! at you both, though you saw Eddie flip them off.

"I'm just a great guesser." you mocked Mrs.Clicks slightly raspy and aged voice pulling a laugh from you both.
"Picnic bench?"
"Picnic bench."

Just like everything else seemed, the bench was always the same, covered in a faint bit of moss and surrounded by crumpled up beer cans. There was lots of profanities written on the wood, some faded from ages ago. You could still make some out though and it became a fun game for you and Eddie to guess what they said.

"Fuck this school" was a popular one, you counted about 23 of them while Eddie interjected with his 26.
"Jim and Joyce were here"
Along with a lot of different initials with hearts surrounding them.
"Kill me now"
"The lunch ladies aren't trustworthy, they hide the pudding!"
"Mr.Clark rules"
"Class of '67"
"S̶t̶e̶v̶e̶ a̶n̶d̶ N̶a̶n̶c̶y̶ <"
And there were so many more.

"We should add one some day," Eddie suggested as he sat on the rotting-but-still-somehow-stable wood, although it always creaked under some slight weight.
"Oh definitely, but what should it be?"
"Well, we both graduate this year how about we add something that night?"
"Sounds like a deal, Edward" you added with a sarcastic smile.
He looked slightly offended but laughed nonetheless.
"I told you not to call me that, freak"
"Yea? What are you gonna do about it? Freak"

And before you could process what was happening he picked you up from behind by the waist, his slight height advantage made your feet lift off the ground. He'd begun swinging you around knowing how easily you got dizzy.
"Hey, let me down!" you shouted kicking your feet erratically.
"Not until you agree not to call me that!"
And he didn't let you down like he said.

You kept kicking your legs accidentally hitting the side of his shin causing you both to topple over, him grabbing his leg in pain. You wobbled from the spinning unable to stand up just yet.

"Shit Eddie I'm so sorry!" you said frantically turning and kneeling in front of him. He stayed silent not even wincing anymore but he stared at the ground.

And after a few more seconds of silence he grabbed a fistful of leaves throwing them right at your face with that dumb goofy smile.

"Oh you asshole!" you grabbed your own leaves throwing them in his direction as he ran from you to the other side of the table. You both kept moving slightly to each side back and forth like a game of cat and mouse.

"Truce?" he offered his hand out to shake.
You walked around the table to accept, hand hid behind your back full of leaves.

"Truce!" you almost yelled as you threw the leaves at his face as it changed to an over-dramatized shocked expression.
"Fine I deserved that"
"Yes you did, Eddie" you said emphasizing his name.
He reached up running his fingers through his hair to pull the leaves out. You reached up to help him and he took the opportunity to embrace you in a hug.

"I'm really glad you moved here y/n." his voice was serious, not a very common occurrence. You could hear the sentiment dripping from his words he was being genuine. It almost pulled tears from your eyes. You had a friend. Someone you could finally feel yourself around.

"I'm really glad too." you returned the hug burying your face in his shoulder. It felt like you could suffocate from how tight he held onto you but it didn't matter, nothing mattered but the two of you, right here, right now.

The lunchroom was super loud, more so than usual. It seemed Jason was hyping up his table for another sports game happening tonight. You could care less, the only thing you focused on was the unbearable throbbing in your head. It didn't matter how much Tylenol you took it never went away. It's been pretty persistent for 2 days now. You begrudgingly made your way to the hellfire table resisting the urge to yell at Jason and his group of fucking jocks and tell them all to just shut up.

Eddie seemed lost in thought, working on yet another of his campaigns with his tongue sticking out. You took another look at the book in his hands, which wasn't actually a book but a magazine. The title on the page hinted at another issue dedicated to the 'Satanic Panic' spreading around the US. With more and more issues about it Eddie read them aloud every day building up more and more disgust for these ignorant people.

While you usually indulged in these shenanigans today had been the absolute worst. Every little light or sound set off your river system of nerves causing them to run at the pace of rapids. Everything anyone said caused your head to scream at them to shut up, even your newfound friend.

The Hanky Code (Eddie Munson x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now