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No matter how more and more you got mentally and physically drained you couldn't fall asleep. Eddie eventually passed out next to you on the couch, but you couldn't. Every time you closed your eyes you saw her, you saw what could've been. It didn't help that every 42 minutes you had to get up to rewind the tapes.

Your eyes stung from the almost nonstop crying and lack of rest. Everything happening in the short 24 hours was piled on your shoulders, completely weighing you down more and more with each passing moment. You didn't even want to admit you envied Eddie for how easily after everything he could sleep. But Jesus fuck did he look peaceful, it almost helped you keep calm just watching him, as creepy as it felt.

Eventually morning hit, the cabin illuminated more, easing your nerves ever-so-slightly. You stood up to rewind the tapes again, you knew you didn't have to but it felt wrong just, sitting there for so long. Doing absolutely nothing. There was even an ass-print forming where you sat, all night.

Eddie eventually stirred awake, rubbing his eyes and stretching his limbs out.
"Well good morning sleepyhead." you said to him.
"Well good morning," he responded briefly and oh man was his sleepy voice easy on the ears. You giggled at how tired he seemed. "Did you not sleep at all?"
"No, pretty hard to sleep after that, I don't know how you could manage." you confessed as he sat up finally, resting his forehead on your shoulder. You finally let yourself relax, laying your head on his, the weight of your eyelids was crushing by now.

"Hey you need sleep you seem really tired, I'll be right here the whole time you're safe with me." he assured you. It was really comforting hearing those words. Pretty much half-aware you nodded already feeling overwhelmed by a sense of calm washing over you.
For the first time in days you weren't, totally dreading sleep.

"Hey y/n get up come on." Eddie whisper-yelled at you. You looked around and noticed it was nightime already, you'd slept the whole day, and finally there were no nightmares.
"Morning sleepyhead," Eddie said when you finally came to "I'm sorry to wake you but come on, I saw head lights in the distance lets just move to the boat house." he hurried out, you two got up running out there quickly not aware that you'd left on the light out front.

"If we need we can hide under here," he whispered flipping open a blue tarp draped over a boat.
"Yea great idea, they definitely wont look there." you said sarcastically.
"Hey do you have a better idea?" but you two were cut off by voices approaching, you looked at each other and as quickly as you could, without making much noise, climbed in the small boat as he pulled the tarp over you two.

You tried keeping your breath as steady as possible, you muffled yourself in his shoulder. You both held tightly onto eachother as the door opened. The voices now clearer but still unrecognizable. Eddie started tapping your arm, in somewhat of a rhythm that you couldn't make out. Then you realized, it was the tune of your song.

"Is anyone home?"
"What a dump,"
A woman's and a men's voice, it didn't sound like police they would've been more assertive. But then again you couldn't afford to take any chances. Just then something hit the tarp down below your feet causing you to jump and grip onto eachother tighter.
"What are you doing?"
"He might be in there."
"So take the tarp off"
"If you're so brave you take the tarp off."

Whoever was doing it kept hitting into the tarp, luckily never hitting either of you. The voices were familiar but still hard to place. You didn't dare move.

"Hey look over here,"
"Maybe he heard us, got spooked and ran."
"Don't worry, Steve will get him with his oar." you looked at Eddie, Steve? So Steve was here? Eddie shook his head at you as if to say do not move a muscle. He started counting down with his fingers, seemingly preparing you for something. He reached around for a second finding a broken glass bottle.

The Hanky Code (Eddie Munson x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now