5 (updated)

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Tw: nightmares, references to eds, smoking only for the second half
1608 words

You wanted to believe it was getting better, but if anything it was getting worse. Way worse. As the day went on the pounding in your head persisted making it hard to navigate the crowded halls. Yet you still managed to get to each class, you kept dozing off as it kept getting harder and harder to keep focus.

But before you knew it 3:45 came around and school was out, finally. Maybe Eddie could be a distraction, he'd most definitely rant about his new campaign, as much as he could tell you anyway without giving it away.

Outside by the parking lot like always Eddie was there twirling his keys on one finger. Upon seeing you he perked up waving you over. You smiled, quickening your pace.

"Hello, good sir y/n," he bowed sticking his hand out slightly, mocking a british accent.
"Ah, sir Eddie, to what do I owe the pleasure?" you took his hand for a moment bowing as well.
"Wanna come get high and watch a movie?"
"You really have to ask?"
He smiled at you opening the door for you then went to his side, hopped in, and started the engine. The radio filled the car, slightly louder than expected, you cringed as the pain in your head worsened for a second.

"Sorry, sorry" he said turning it down "Was listening to music instead of going to class."
"Understandable," you thought for a moment, "you know I have yet to ask, is there room in your vocabulary for the phrase 'favorite song'?"
"Oh very funny, I've evolved away from constructs so far I don't have time for favorites." he paused for a moment before continuing. "If you have one I'd love to hear it." his voice filled with intrigue.

"Ok, it's kinda basic but," you feigned embarrassment sighing although stalling at the same time. "It's called head over heels if your satanic music hasn't kept you away from basic music taste."
"Oh no, you're not one of those Hallmark people are you?" he asked with a slightly whiny tone of voice, sarcastic as well, that was just Eddie. Sarcastic.

Sure, you're taste wasn't as metal as Eddie's, you did enjoy Metallica and Black Sabbath, but you didn't limit to one genre of music. You liked songs from The Beatles and Beach Boys mostly.

"No, god no Eddie." you said "I take offense to that,"
"Well offense or not, we can forget the movie cause we gotta metal up your taste."
"Yea yea, eyes on the road Mr.Munson" you said mocking Click's voice again.

You reached the trailer and saw your car still parked outside, you'd driven over to hang out before school started and after an intense game of rock paper scissors he was the one driving to school.

Eddie's trailer was like a safe haven at this point, you never wanted to be at home anymore and your parents barely noticed your increasing absence. It's not like they could stop you even if they wanted to, you're 18 years old and allowed to make your own decisions. The joys of legality. They were drunk or high half the time and working the other, they probably didn't know their own asses from their hats.

"Here we are, my favorite cassettes just browse the selection I'll get the 'good stuff' ready." he said winking quite obviously like he was some warner brothers drug dealer.

He had alot of options to choose from, multiple covers of Iron Maiden, Motorhead, Black Sabath and Metallica obviously, WASP, and seriously just so much music. You picked an Iron Maiden tape labeled "The Number of the Beast" since Eddie talked them up so much they had to be good.

"Hey man did you pick yet?" he said walking back from his room with a bong mostly prepped, a lighter, and little bag.
"Yea this one?" you held it up on display for him and saw as his face lit up.
"Haha there's hope for you yet young Padawan! You have good taste," he handed you what he had in his hands and set up the cassette in his stereo. "This will be one of the greatest nights of your life y/n."
"Oh will it? You set high expectations Munson."
"Because I have high standards," he mocked a british accent, seemingly one of his favorite voices. It was yours too. You nicknamed all his voices by now like they were separate personalities, British Eddie, Russian Eddie, Wizard Eddie, ect ect.

The room filled with music once it started up, it was loud, really loud, you tried to ignore your headache as best you could until you and Eddie started smoking and it'd subside for a bit. He turned it down slightly to finish prepping the bong and handed it over.

Eddie had jumped up on the coffee table playing air guitar to the solo of Master of Puppets, you two were well past Iron Maiden by now. It'd been hours of music and smoking, along with eating and laughing. He was in his own little world, singing and dancing around like he was the only one in the trailer.

There was a stong smell of weed throughout the roim as well as a slight fog. It was a good thing his uncle was super cool because with anyone else this would've been a death sentence. You met Wayne once or twice when going to Eddie's on the weekends, he was nicer than his appearance led you to believe. Super intimidating guy, but a total sweetheart to you.

Once the song finished Eddie jumped down turning down the stereo to a barely audible level.
"Are you good to drive home? It's getting late."
"Yea yea, I'm fine," your speech slurred and you giggled slightly at it. He walked over holding your chin and looking at your eyes. You couldn't see very much of anything with the room spinning so much. Anythings better than a persistent migraine.

"Oh no you're fucked up, you're not driving." he basically told instead of suggested.
"Pff I'm not walking jackass." something in your tone of voice made you burst out laughing, everything was so goddamned funny you couldn't take anything seriously. Eddie joined you yet not as much as you.
"No no I'm not making you walk either, we're going to the same place tomorrow just stay over."
"You sure Eds?"
He laughed slightly, "Eds?"
"Yea? I- ohhh wait no I'm sorry Eddie."

Just laughter, that's all that over took the two of you for minutes on end. Just non stop laughter. And every time it slowed enough for one of you to talk you'd just stare at each other and it'd start up again. Like a conversation without words between you two that was so stupid it was funny.

"Here, come on you can borrow some clothes and I'll make up the couch for you."
"Why thank you sir Eddie."
"You're mighty welcome sir y/n."


You opened your eyes to find a familiar setting, but one you couldn't place. It was dull and you couldn't see that well. A light fog settled on the ground, once it cleared you could make out tiles, a sink, a bath tub, and...

Yourself? You saw yourself on the floor hunched over the toilet. Your finger was stuck down your own throat multiple times until your efforts were successful. A door opening behind you startled you and you turned around quickly. A face you recognized all too well from where you'd lived before.

"Y/n? What the hell are you doing?"
You found yourself to no longer be a bystander, but your point of view shifted to the you on the ground. Staring pathetically up at the man making a horrific face at you.

"You're disgusting! You're fucking disgusting!"
Your breath quickened and you found yourself frozen in place, unable to move and unable to breathe. The man ran down the hall and to the front door but not before you could hear him yell something at your parents.

You were able to move now and ran to see what he was saying.

"He belongs in a mental institution." was all you could catch and the man was out if your house.

Your parents turned to you with horrible looks on their faces.

You sat up quickly, your hair sticking to your forehead with sweat yet your body was freezing, you were hyperventilating and clenching your chest. You couldn't stop the tears streaming down your face and just couldn't breathe.

When you finally could take in your surroundings you found yourself still in Eddie's trailer, no childhood house, no parents, no anybody. That was until the doors lock clicked open and someone strode in with heavy tired steps.

"Oh my god kid, you look like shit," Wayne finally came into view, the room had come completely into your line of sight as he turned on a lamp in the corner. He walked over to assure everything was alright. From working an overnight shift he looked tired and even still offered to you a drink with him. It did help calm your nerves, but thoughts were racing through your mind, thoughts you hadn't had for a long while.

"So what was all that about? Bad high or something?" That had to be it, you thought. Just a little too much past your limit, it's the explanation you went with although something was pulling at your mind saying 'that wasn't it.' which you ignored with every little ounce of energy you had left.

The Hanky Code (Eddie Munson x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now