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Tw: Descriptions of injuries and pain
1365 words

"Woah woah woah, what just happened?" Dustin said dumbfounded. You and Eddie stepped away from each other, he took the initiative of 'explaining.'
"Well Dustin see when two people like each other very much." He said sarcastically but Dustin waved his hands around cutting him off.
"Gross dude, so are you two together now then?" he raised his eyebrows at you both, you and Eddie turned to eachother.

"What do you say, y/n the Banished?" he asked reaching for your hand as if asking for a dance, you reciprocated putting your hand in his.
"I say I am in, Eddie the Banished."
"Fucking finally," Dustin called, "Mike owes me 5 bucks when he gets back."
"You and Wheeler were betting on it?" Eddie asked, he didn't get an answer as the bats started banging on the roof.

You three quickly grabbed your shields and makeshift spears readying to fight if needed. The suspense was thick in the air. Dustins eyes fell on a ceiling vent and he started walking towards it, you and Eddie closely behind him.

"They can't get in through there can they?" Dustin asked, just then one of them smashed through knocking the vent out of place and on the ground. You three screamed running to stab at the hole repeatedly. Bats kept trying to push their way through.

In a last ditch effort Eddie grabbed a chair to stand on yelling at you two to get out of the way. He stuck his shield over the vent-slot with enough force to stick it to the ceiling. You caught your breath now, the adrenaline rush from earlier returning.

"Nice," Dustin said breathless, Eddie thanked him holding out his hand for a high five which Dustin gave. After a moment Dustin turned to Eddie to ask, "Are there any other vents?"

Eddie thought for a moment before panic spread across his face.
"Oh shit," he said before jumping down and running down the hall to his room, you and Dustin followed. Barely any ounce of time after the door opened they broke through a vent in the corner. Bats started flooding into the room filling it completely.

You backed up pushing Dustin behind you towards the gate while Eddie shut the door. It didn't take long for the bats to crash into the wood repeatedly already tearing holes in it.

"It's not gonna hold!" Dustin screamed out.
"Go Dustin hurry!" You yelled back motioning to the gate, he started climbing up at a rapid pace, the bats didn't stop their efforts to break the door.

Once Dustin was through, Eddie urged you to hurry and climb the rope.
"You better be right behind me." you said firmly while grabbing the tied sheets.
"Together remember?" he said, "Now go!"

You climbed up hurriedly, before long you felt the gravity shift and you fell on the matress.
"Eddie come on!" Dustin yelled as soon as you hit the bed.

He dropped the weapons he was holding and started to climb. But he hesitated for a moment, his eyes darted to the door.
"Eddie?" you called through the gate. He looked up at you two before dropping back down and letting go of the rope. "Eddie what are you doing? Come on!"

You grabbed the roped again practically jumping up to the gate and through it despite Dustins objections.
"Y/n go back I'm gonna buy them more time." Eddie said grabbing his shield and spear again.
"No! Eddie, Steve said don't play hero they have plenty of time now!"

Before Eddie could argue back, one of the bats burst through a hole in the door followed by another, and another, and so many more. You were quick to grab your weapons off the floor to fend them off with Eddie. More and more filled the room completely coming at you one after another.

They started swarming, there were easily over 50 bats increasing in numbers in the small area. The tiny bodies of ones you'd killed now littered the floor. One flew by wrapping its tail around your neck in the process, before you knew it you were on your knees struggling to try and pull it off of you.
"Shit, y/n!" Eddie tried swinging at the bat but was cut off by another knocking into him making him fall back on the floor.

You struggled to breath trying to reach for the knife in your pocket. The bat pulled you back so you fell. Others were now gathering and starting to bite down on your torso and legs.

You let out a strained scream followed by Eddie's. He was in the same situation as you trying to hit them off of him. Your determination pushed you even further, finally you reached the knife and started stabbing at the bats that were practically eating you alive. You cut the bats tail off feeling it go limp around your neck. You coughed violently finally able to breathe.

You hurried over to Eddie helping him break free trying to ignore the agonizing pain spreading throughout your body. The tails hold on his neck was tighter than yours had been, after chopping it off feeling satisfied at the shriek the creature let out you stabbed and hit away the ones gnawing at Eddie.

He sat up trying to catch his breath. The bats had you pinned against a corner, some trying to attack again which you were able to keep away.

Suddenly you heard Dustin drop onto the matress from the gate. He held a lighter and some kind of spray can.
"Duck!" he yelled before flicking the lighter on, once the tiny flame ignited he started spraying whatever was in the can creating a very effective, provisional flamethrower.

You and Eddie slid down the wall further ducking your heads down and holding onto eachother for dear life. The screams from the bats sounded straight from hell, the noise was so loud accompanied by Dustins 'war cry' shouting.

Eventually most of the bats had burned and collapsed on the ground, the others retreated back to the vent and outside.

"Jesus Christ," Dustin said dropping to sit on the matress. You and Eddie caught your breath finally, your throat burned with every inhale.

As the rush of adrenaline drained the pain in your torso and legs returned making you wince in pain. Every small movement hurt even more than you'd ever experienced. You almost felt like throwing up from the pain.

Eddie was in even worse shape as the bats had broken through and were able to reach muscle eating a considerable chunk of flesh.

Dustin rushed over immediately after catching his breath.
"Shit shit shit, are you guys alright?" he asked inspecting the wounds.
"We'll be fine," Eddie spoke up, his voice was pained and raspy. You couldn't speak you focused all your energy on swallowing down the bile that rose slowly in your throat.

"Can you walk?" he asked standing now and reaching out both hands. You took one and Eddie took the other. You both groaned as your wounds bled even more and seared painfully. When you stood up right you had to lean against the wall to keep steady before being able to walk.

Dustin helped you both through the gate, it took all your effort and energy to climb the rope even with his assistance. The worst part was the drop, as soon as your body collided with the matress each and every bite mark reminded you of their presence. You bit down on your lip hoping to handle it better thr skin broke immediately and you tasted blood.

"Y/n are you okay?" Dustin shouted through the portal holding Eddie up by his arm, you shot him a thumbs up before getting up and moving out of the way.

Once Eddie was through Dustin found a first-aid kit in Eddie's bathroom. He was able to bandage the bigger wounds on you both tightly enough to stop from bleeding.

"Yes, me and Mike bet on you two getting together."

I will not accept anybody saying the bet is unrealistic because it's funny

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