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The Covention pt1


It was a slow day for business and on top of that there weren't any witches or demons around to buy stuff from Eda's sand.

The older witch herself slowly dusted of her table with a bore expression. YN sat and a chair and looked at the sky with a blank expression. His legs laif on the table. His arm is still bandaged since it's not fully healed yet. His cheek on the other hand looks way better. The wound itself was very small, but healed part left an easy to see scar. 

Eda swiped his legs of the table, almost causing him to fall down. With a glare he looked at the older witch, as she wiped the table, where YNs leg were. The boy sighed and looked over to Luz, who read her book to King.

"Emboldened by the dishonnor Hecate had shown, Azura lifted her staff to the cotton-candy skies and shouted: "I challenge you to a Witch's Duel!"

"And look! I drew a flip book." Luz flipped between two pages, making it look liek two figures fight. "Pew, pew, pew."

"Shoe me the picture" King said in a low tone as he peeked over the top of her book, to look at the picture.


"Show me the picture!" King said again but in a much more enthusiastic tone and much louder. Causing YN to chuckle softly.

Luz shrugged and flipped the book over so King could see her drawing.

"Hah! I can draw better than that." King said, crossing his arms before turning away with a smug grin. "You know, they once called me the King of Artists."

"Wait. I thought you were the King of Demon." Luz teasingly smiled.

"Yeah, King. Are you just making shit up? YN also teased with a slight smirk.

"Doesn't matter." King said, waving off their accusations. "What's important is that my followers would leave me offerings in fear of me!" The small demon stated, trying to look intimidating.

YN tried to cover up his laugh with a laughter he accidentally let out at Kings proclamation.

"Well, I can offer you more of this tantalizing book." Luz smiled and held up her book to him.

"Ugh, Please stop reading that?" Eda graoned. "It's flowery language is an insult to witches and driving away all of our serious customers!" She waved her duster around as the two teens around.

"Uh, sorry to burst your bubble - actually not - but there aren't any customers." YN said looking around the empty marketplace. "There aren't even any other stands around!"

"Weird...what's going on?" Luz asked.

"This is a bad omen. There must be something horrible happening today.." Eda grimly stated.

"Luz! YN!"

The turned to see Willow and Gus rushed over to the stand with excited smiled on ther faces.

"Something amazing is happening today!" Gus exclaimed.

"Gus, Willow! Hey." Luz greeted them.

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