How to wake him up

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Scylla let out a yawn, as her eyes fluttered open to the rays of sunlight entering the room through the window. She stretched out her limbs, her tail wagging slightly as she did. That was a good sleep! But now the sun was disrupting it. Not because it was too hot - she actually loved it when the sun shined down directly at her - but because it blinded her. She jumped Off the windowsill and toddled towards the sleeping Yn, her tail wagging behind her. She lifted one of her legs and softly brought it down on Yns face. But he gave no reaction, not even a small sound of discomfort. Not feeling satisfied with this, Scylla brought down her other front leg onto his face and began to shake him. But still no reaction.

Scylla let out a soft whine as she continued to nudge Yn, but he remained motionless, deep in his slumber. Scylla sighed and sat back on her haunches, observing Yn's peaceful face as she tilted her head. Yn had been sleeping for four days now, and Scylla couldn't help but feel bored. She had spent most of her time lying around, waiting for Yn to wake up and provide some entertainment.

She had tried everything she could think of to wake Yn up. She had tugged on his blankets, licked his face, and even pounced on his bed and pulled his Hair, but nothing seemed to work. Scylla couldn't help but wonder what Yn was dreaming about for such a long time. She had often heard him mumbling and whining in his sleep, but she couldn't understand the words.

As Scylla sat there, deep in thought, she reminisced about the occasional visits from Amity, Willow, and Gus and wondered If they would come visit today again. Their palismans always brought some excitement into the house, providing Scylla with someone to play and frolic with. She loved to chase after Clover, Ghost and Emmiline, joining in their games of hide-and-seek and fetch. Those playful moments helped alleviate the monotony of Yn's prolonged sleep. But still, Scylla longed for Yn's presence and the adventures they shared together.

As she stared at Yn, her thoughts wandered towards Kathleen, her very First owner. Kathleen had never slept for such long stretches of time, even after expending a lot of magical energy. Two days had been the maximum Kathleen had ever slept, and Scylla found it strange that Yn had surpassed that duration.

Scylla's tail thumped against the floor as she approached the slumbering Yn once again, hoping to rouse him from his deep sleep. But before she could do anything, the sound of footsteps approached the room. Scylla turned her gaze towards the door, her attention piqued. Those were Luz' footsteps!

With a gentle smile, Luz entered the room and scooped up Scylla in her arms, giving the small dragon a comforting pat.

"Hey there, Scylla. How's our sleepyhead doing today?" Luz asked, her voice filled with affection.

Scylla responded with a soft purr-like sound, nuzzling against Luz's chest. She enjoyed the warmth and comfort of being held, her scaly tail swaying contently.

"Let's see if Eda and King found out, how we can help him, okay?" Luz Said, softly scratching Scyllas head.
Together, they made their way downstairs to the living room, where Eda and King were waiting.

As they entered the cozy space, Scylla's eyes landed on Eda, the once powerful witch with her wild hair and striking appearance. Eda was engrossed in a book, occasionally glancing up to sip from her cup.

King, the excitable and mischievous demon, noticed Scylla's arrival and jumped Off the Couch, running over to Luz. "Scylla! Wanna play catch? I've been practicing my throws!"

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