Getting a House to move.

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Hooty's Moving Hassle Pt. 1


Yn and Luz sat at the living room table inside the Owl House and watched Eda and Owlbert play some card game. It seemed to get pretty intense as they both glared at eachother.

"Watch closely you two." Eda said ro the two teens as she quickly glanced at them. "Hexes Hold'em is the most tricky game on the Boiling Isles. Any proper witch knows how to play."

She then drew a card.

"Oh boy, cards! The paper rectangles that old people think are fun!" Luz excitedly said as [Y/n] curiously looked over the cards.

Eda put down a card on the cable. Lighting came from the cards, causing Owlbert to fly for cover, behind the side of the table.

All the cards stood up and roared. Owlberts cards started to surge forward and viciously attacked the cards on Edas side. He smirked, already sure of his victory.

"huh. Not even card games are normal around here.." YN muttered as he watched the cards attack eachother.

"Now. When it looks like the deck is stacked against you, that's when you break out the wild card!" Eda said, holding up a card wird a tower on it. It glowed green and Owlberts cards disappeared in a flash of fire, before fiery letters appeared in the air.


Owlbert hopped back on the table as the words diasppeared and hooted at Eda. He begrudgingly bowed down to her with his wings extended.

"Woo! I win!" Eda pumped her fists into the air and then pointed at Owlbert. "In your adorable owl face! Ah I love the feeling of victory. It feels...fluffy?"

"Uhm...Eda.." Yn said, backing away from the older witch.

"It's happening again!" Luz pointed at Edas arms.

"What's happening again?" Eda asked with a raised eyebrow

"Your curse is returning!" King exclaimed.

Eda looked down at herself and yelped, seeing the feathers that were growing out of her


Luz and YN quickly followed after Eda as she went up into her room. Kign was sitting on top of YNs shoulders as Eda opened her box of elixirs.

"Oh boy..." She muttered. All of the bottles were empty. "This is terrible. I'm out of elixir." She took one and shook it.

"Uh...Last time this happened, you turned into this thing." Luz said as she held up her phone with a picture of Edas cursed form.

"I know I should be repulsed, but that look is fierce." Eda said, fixing her hair.

"Eda!" Both teens yelled, causign her to groan.

"You're right, you're right. We need to head to the market." Eda said, slamming her fist into her palm.

"Market!" Luz cheered, pumping her fist into the air.

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