Stressful week

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*Katie is 19*

"Katie! Cleanup aisle 4... Kid puked all over the floor." My manager says with a disgusted face.

I sigh and nod before grabbing the mop and making my way over there. After cleanup I go to the lunchroom for my break.

"Hey Kate...? I know your off the rest of this week but is there any way you can fill in for me on Tuesday and Friday...?" Maria, my coworker, asks me.

"I really can't Maria... I have to finish all my projects this week to even pass my courses and I've got to study for exams. Plus both of my brothers and their girlfriends are gone on holidays so I have to take care of Will's dog and Hailey's cat" I say with a sigh.

"Please Katie!? At least one of them.. how many times have I changed shifts with you because you were busy? You owe me this" Maria says guilt trapping me.

"Fine. I'll fill in for you on Tuesday I'm not Friday" I say.

She sighs before mumbling a thank-you and walking away.

I sit down on the couch and put my head in my hands. Great another shift added to my week, four big projects due by Saturday and exams are next week. I'm not going to be able to finish these, which is going to make me fail, which is going to mean Jay and Will both on my ass for failing, I'm gonna be seen as the disappointment of the family, I'm never going to be able to go anywhere in life all because I couldn't keep up with life! Why is life so damn frustrating!?

I didn't even realize I was softly crying until someone wipes my tears away. I jump and look up to see our shift manager, Riley, looking down at me with worried eyes.

"You alright Hun?" She asks sweetly.

"Uh ya I'm fine..." I lied.

She looks at me unconvinced. "Sweetie, I've been on this earth for 56 years... I can tell when someone's lying. Scooch over and tell me what's wrong." She says while motioning me to move over with her hands.

I quickly move over and let her sit beside me.

"Go on.. what's the matter?" She says.

I sigh. "Well everything kinda catching up to me I guess.. Maria guilt trapped me into changing shifts with her so now I have to come in on Tuesday even though I was supposed to have this whole week off to finish my school projects. I have to write all of my exams next week... My brothers and their girlfriends just left on holidays so I have to look after their pets... I can't do it! I cannot handle this anymore." I say as tears start falling down my face.

"Honey.. I think you need a break. Done worry about coming in on Tuesday, ill get someone else to fill for you, pack your stuff and go home." Riley says soothingly.

I sniffle a little. "But we're in the middle of shift right now, I can't just leave!" I say.

She chuckles a bit. "I'm this shift manager, and you always have to listen to me, so to home, rest, take care of yourself, don't start your projects... It's Sunday, give yourself the day and start your projects tomorrow. Do not come in on Tuesday .. if I see your face here, I'm gonna fire you." She says with a wink.

I laugh lightly. "Thank-you Riley! You are a lifesaver." I say appreciatively.

She smiles and nods. "Pack your bag and sign out. Buy yourself coffee on the way home for all I care as long as you get out of here for the rest of this week and take care of yourself alright honey?" She says.

I nod with a smile and quickly hug her before packing my bag, signing out, and going out to my car.

I start the car and start the drive back to our apartment. On the way I stop and grab some ice coffee. I arrive at the apartment and sigh at how quiet it is.

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