Chapter Fifteenth

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Iruka POV
We finally arrived in front of the hot springs. I'm waiting in the lobby of the hot springs for my girl to come through so I can surprise her. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous but I'd do anything for her she's the love of my life.

After a nice 30 minute soak in the hot springs I feel refreshed and amazing. We head back in to locker room and change. As we come out the locker room the boys are waking out as well and we start to head to the lobby. As I turn the corner in the lobby I see Iruka sitting in one of the chairs. He looks up from his hands and sees me standing at the doorway. I run and jump into his awaiting arms. "I missed you so much Iruka!" I sniffle into the crook of his neck as he holds me up with my legs wrapped around his waist. "I missed you too baby!" Iruka says kissing my cheek.

"When did you get back?" I ask Iruka not wanting to leave his arms. "Maybe about 1 hour ago" he says. "I have a surprise for you in my classroom." He tells me with a grin and a slight bush appearing on his cheeks. "Really? What is it? Is it foos? Is it a puppy? Come on Iruka tell me you know I'm not good with surprises." I whine the last part to him.

He chuckles "well then let's go to find out then." He says setting me down and taking my hand in his. We are walking through the town making our way to his classroom. I look at this man and sigh 'how did I  get so lucky to have him in my life'.

He catches me staring at him and with a smirk says "I know I'm hot baby huh?" I chuckle and bump his shoulder "don't get cocky on me now" we laugh and make it to the front of the building where his classroom is.

Before we walk into his classroom I stop him and look up into his eyes. "I love you Iruka." A slight blush appearing on both of our faces. "I love you to baby." He says leaning down kissing me. "Ready for you surprise." "Yes I'm so excited!" I say almost practically jumping up and down.

We walk into his classroom and I see pictures of us on his board and rose petals scattered on the floor with candles lighting the whole place up. On his desk there is a box of chocolates and (your favorite snacks) with a giant teddy bear. On the board it says 'Will you marry me?' I turn around with tears on my eyes to see Iruka on one knee with a box and a beautiful ring.

"(Y/N) (L/N) you are my best friend, my ride or die, my soulmate. I would do anything for you from this day until the day I die. And someday when we have little mini us running around I will protect all of you with my life as well. So, (Y/N) will you do me the honor and marry me?" He says with tears in his eyes that have yet to spill.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I say jumping onto him.

"So I take it she said yes?" A deep voice says from the back of the classroom. We separate and look up  to see Kakashi with the kids standing right next to him.

"Yup!" Iruka says with the biggest grin on his face. "You guys knew about this?" I ask looking at them. "Yup the whole time big sis." Naruto says as they come down the stairs. I'm actually surprised that he was able to keep his mouth shut about a secret this time. Then again thinking back to it Sakura did smack him in the head to stop him from saying something.

"Let's go celebrate with some ramen on me. Unless you two love birds would like to go celebrate on your?" Kakashi says. Iruka looks at me "I'm down if you are" I look back at him " you know I'll never turn down free food! Let's go!" I say happy. "Yes! We're going to eat ramen! Ramen! Ramen! Ramen!" Naruto chants as he's walking out the door. We all chuckle and laugh at him.

Iruka pulls me back from the group and presses me against his chest. "I love you so much (Y/N) Umino~" he exaggerates the last part. "And I love you so much my husband." "He's not you husband yet technically your fiancée" I hear kakashi at the end of the hall tell us. I roll my eyes and Iruka takes my hand as we continue to walk down the hallway to catch up the group. "Why do you always have to but in kakashi." I say swiping at his feet making him trip and fall. His body turns into a cloud of smoke. "You really think I'd fall for that little sis." He says behind me. I elbow him in the stomach. "No but I knew you do that so I still got you" "Touche" he says groaning holding his stomach.

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