Chapter Fourteen

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We arrive at the next destination the hot springs. "I can't wait for the nice hot water to relax my body more!" I'm so excited for the hot springs I've needed this since the first day of training with Kakashi. "Ugh I know Kakashi sensei went hard on us the other day making us spar with him!" Sakura chimes in.

We walk in and pay for the hot springs. As I'm walking by I notice that the hot springs are separated by gender. "Thank god. I do not want to deal with Naruto splashing around." I say under my breath.

Me and Sakura walk to locker rooms to go change our clothes. I wrap a towel around my body and start heading towards the hot springs. "I'll meet you over by the springs ok?" I tell Sakura as I start walking towards them.

I take off my towel and enter the warm welcoming water. "Ugh... this feels so good!" I say to myself. I wonder what Iruka is doing. I miss him so much.

Iruka's POV
I'm in my classroom setting things up for later on tonight. I can't wait to see my baby girl I miss her so much. I'm looking forward to getting to hold her and kiss her. Right about now Kakashi should have the kids and my girl at the hot springs relaxing after all their hard work of training. Kakashi told me that she joined them in training and that she was progressing really well I'm so proud of her and can't wait to give her extra attention for her hard work.

I'm about done setting up and I'm debating if I should go to the hot springs and surprise her or if I should wait idk. I'm so in patient I just want to see her but at the same time I'm so nervous for the question I want to ask her. I want her to say yes but I'm afraid it might be a little too soon and she might say no or get scared and leave me.

"Stop thinking like that" I hear a very familiar voice say in the distance. "My sister isn't like that. Shes head over heels for you man. Trust me" Kakashi says walking over to me. "I thought you were at the hot springs with the kids and Y/N" "the hot springs are gender separated so the boys are enjoying their relaxing time and Y/N is with Sakura in.." "Wait how did you what I was thinking earlier!?" I questioned interrupting Kakashi. "By the look of your face it said it all you had worry and distraught written all over it." Kakashi says a matter of fact. "oh" I say looking down at my feet.

"Look don't worry ok. I'm here now just pour your heart out to me right now and let it all out now so that way when the time comes you are ready ok get everything off your chest now." Kakashi say taking a seat in one of the desks in front of my desk. "Well first I want to see her already and I don't know if I should wait or go to the hot springs now and surprise her. also, I'm scared that she might think it's too soon and get scared and leave me. I love her with all my heart I would do anything for her all I want to do is start my life with her and start a family. I don't want to lose her." I say fast in one breathe getting it off my chest.

"Ok then let's go now." Kakashi says getting up from the desk. "What now???!!!!" I say panicking a little.  " Yes now! you're ready and it will be now or never you are already having doubts because of your worries you have to push those worries aside and take control. you're getting too much into your head I understand but you're the love of her life and I wouldn't see her with any other man than you. now come on you going to start walking or do I have to drag you out by your ponytail" Kakashi say walking slowly towards me. " no no I'm going!" I grab the box putting it in my pocket and following Kakashi out the door to the hot springs. this is it I'm finally going to ask Y/n to be my wife.

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