Chapter nine

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Naruto POV
Finally big sis is home and for her not being home for the past what two days I'm gonna make her pay. I burst through her door and jump on top of her. "WAKE UP!!" I say while jumping on her.

(Y/n) POV
I wake up to Naruto jumping on me yelling "WAKE UP!!" I swear if I didn't love this kid I would murder him right here right now. But maybe I should make him pay. "NARUTO!" I yell pretending to be mad.

Naruto POV
"Oh no I've done it this time. Welp looks like this is how I die." I say a little terrified.

(Y/n) POV
I grab him in my arms. "I LOVE YOU TWERP!" I yell while giving him a tight hug.
"C-can't .... br-breathe" "opps sorry haha" I say rubbing the back of my neck. "Hey Naruto how about today me and you train and go get ramen to make up to you for not being here?" "YES!!" He has the biggest grin on his face. I just love to see this kid always smiling and being happy. I know it's hard on him because not a lot of people like him and stuff but they should really get to know him first instead of judging him right away. He is just some goofy loving kid that I would literally die for.

We start to get ready to go train. I go to the living room to wait for Naruto to make his way down when I hear a knock on the door.

I open the door to find Kakashi standing there reading his book. "Yo." "Yo. What's up Kakashi?" I move over to let him in. We go back into the living room and chill on the couch. Just as we sit Naruto comes running down saying he's ready to go. "Where you guys going?" Kakashi ask a bit curious. "(Y/n) is gonna take me to go train and then get some ramen. Want to join us?" "Yea why not." We all head down to the training field.

Two hours past and me and Naruto are dying. While Kakashi is just fine. Of course he's fine because he trained us to the max! As we make our way to go eat some ramen Iruka passes by. "Hey babe!" I smile at him. "Hey baby girl" he comes over and gives me a peck on the lips. "We're all gonna head to get some ramen wanna join." I ask hoping he says yes. "Yea"
We all head down to the ramen shop we eat and have a good time.

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