Chapter Thirteen

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I've been training with Kakashi and the kiddos all week and I lowkey regret it. My body aches so much. Thank god it's Friday though because I don't think my body could take another training session with Kakashi.

I'm laying down in bed contemplating on what I should do. I look over at the clock to see it's 10:00am. "Hmmm... what should I do today?" I say to myself really not wanting to get out of bed.

I get up from the bed deciding I should make some breakfast. I head down to the kitchen and go through my fridge and the cupboards see what I can make. I make some white rice with spam and egg. I garnish it with some scallions and nori crumbs that I crumble in my hand. I'm drooling at the mouth. "This looks so good!" I say proudly.

As I'm about to take a bite of my master piece of food there's a knock on my door. "Awe man come on!" I groan to myself "I was just about to eat!" I grumpily say walking towards the door.

As I open the door I'm greeted by the kids Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke. "Hey sis!" Naruto says with a big grin. "Hey guys?" I question. "Aren't you guys supposed to be on a mission with Kakashi?" I question them wondering why there standing at my door step.

"You see about that...our mission is from none other than Iruka!" Sakura says cheerfully. "Yea he asked Kakashi and us to take you out to the spa and the hot springs to relax after all the trading you had with us." Sasuke says unenthusiastic.

"Awe really!!! He's so sweet! Isn't he the best!" I say cheerfully to them. "Yea he's the best.. whatever can we get this over with." Sasuke says rolling his eyes. "Ok ok emo duck butt!" I say rolling my eyes back at him. I move from the doorway to allow them to enter my house. "Something smells so good!! What you making sis!" Naruto chimes with drool practically falling from his mouth. " I was about to eat actually when you guys knocked on the door." "Oh cool we caught you in time then!" Naruto says. "Don't eat because after we take you to the spa and the hot spring Kakashi is going to meet us at the ramen shop and he said ramen was on him!" Naruto say excitedly rubbing his hands together.

"Oh ok then what am I supposed to do with this then?" I say pointing at the food I made. "I'll take care of that." Naruto says pulling out the chair grabbing the chopsticks. "Thanks for the food!" He says before scarfing the whole bowl down. "Wow that was amazing! I'm stuffed!" He says rubbing his stomach. "I could of saved that for later Naruto what the heck!" I complain crossing my arms. "How did you even manage to eat that in just minutes! That's gross!" Sakura says disgusted.  "Oh yea you could of huh." Naruto says rubbing the back of his neck.


We make our way down to the first spot the spa! We go in and the lady at the front desk ask if we have an appointment. "Yes! We do. It should be under team 7." Sakura answers the lady. "Ok let me check it out." The lady responds going back to the computer to check. "Ah yes here we go. If you'd like to follow me I can show you to your way guys rooms."

Me and Sakura are in our own room. "take your clothing off and put this robe on." The lady says handing us the robe. "When your ready push this button and it will turn green and your masseuse will come in." She says with a smile and walks out the door.

We change and get ready. As soon as we're done I push the button and we lay down on the tables. A couple minutes later two women walk in.

"Hello! How are you doing today." My masseuse ask rubbing oil in her hands. "It's been really good so far!" I say with a smile on my face
"How has your day been?" I ask in return.

............. Time skip ............

"Oh my god! I feel AMAZING!" I say stretching as we walk out the spa. "Me too!" All of them say simultaneously. "I guess next is the hot spring?" I question. "Yes!" Naruto says leading the way.

Authors note
Hey guys I know it's been a FAT minute.
Tbh I gave up on the story because I got writers block and a lot happened so then I really just gave up. I'm sorry guys. But I recently was going through my notifications and saw a lot of messages asking me if I was going to continue and it encouraged me to do it! So here I am!!! Lol also my boyfriend said it would be cool to finish it and not to let you guys down since a lot of y'all were enjoying it. So I'm going to finish it I promise but bare with me ok. Cause I work and have to take care of things around the house. But with my free time I will continue and try to finish the story. 😁❤️❤️

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