Chapter seventeen

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After a year of preparing for the wedding everything is ready. "I can't believe the wedding is next already." I explain to Kakashi excitedly. "Time flys huh?" He's reading his typical porn book.

"Kakashi. I want to ask you something but I need your full 100% attention please." I'm a little nervous asking Kakashi this. "Ok what's up everything ok?" He says putting the book away.

"I uh was wondering if you can walk me down the aisle on my wedding day. I know it's supposed to be my dad but he's not here and you basically raised me up and you're the only father figure I have." I can feel the blush creeping up on my face. I look at Kakashi to see his one exposed eye holding back a tear. "Don't cry Kakashi cause then ima cry" I say but it's too late the tears are coming down already. "Of course I'll walk you down (Y/N)" he kisses my forehead. "Thanks Kakashi I love you." "Love you to punk" he pulls me into a bear hug.

Time skip wedding day.

I'm standing in front of the mirror looking at the dress. I hear the door behind me open up. "Wow" I hear two very distinct voices say. I turn around to see Kakashi and Naruto staring at me with wide eyes. "Sis you look beautiful!" Naruto says.

(The dress your wearing)

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(The dress your wearing)

"Thank you guys." I shyly smile at them. "You almost ready (Y/N)? It's almost time to walk you down." "How much more do I have?" I ask fixing a little piece of my hair. "About ten minutes" he replies back. I chug some water and fix every other details left walking to the door grabbing my bouquet of flowers. Sakura and Ino go first being the flower girls. Naruto is the ring bearer. Everybody stands as the doors open revealing me standing next to Kakashi. The pianist starts playing the intro song.

As we start walking down the aisle I see Iruka looking at me in awe tears coming down his eyes.

Iruka pov
The doors open revealing my beautiful, breath taking bride standing there. I start to cry not caring if anybody sees me cry. How am I so lucky to have this women become my wife. We make eye contact and she's tearing up as well I know she doesn't want to mess up her make up. Knowing her she probably has some water proof makeup or something for this exact reason.

Little time skip

(Y/N) pov

It's been 5 months since the wedding. Iruka is out on a quick mission and will be back in time for dinner. I have a little surprise for him when he comes home. I go to the store and buy all his favorite snacks and drinks.

I get back to our house and organize his basket of surprises I got him. A wrap a rectangular box as well and put it in the bottom of the basket. Just as I'm finished getting it all ready I hear the front door open. "I'm home!" "Welcome home my love!" I greet him with a big smile and my hands holding the basket behind my back. "What you got there baby?" He tries to peak around to see what it is. "It's a surprise for you!" I kiss his cheek handing it to him. "Awe thank you baby! I love it. I love you" he says observing the basket.

He sits in the couch going through all the stuff in it. He finally reaches the bottom getting the wrapped gift I put it there. He unwraps opening the box. "No way! Are you serious baby?!!!" I nod at him with a big grin across his face. "Im gonna be a dad!" He yells picking me up twirling around. "I have my first appointment next week on Monday." I tell him kissing him. "I'll be there I can't wait!" He says excitedly.

Next Monday

We're in the doctors office waiting for the doctor to come in. They do the ultrasound and everything we heard the heart beat. Our beautiful healthy babies heart beat was music to my ears. We get a picture of the ultrasound Iruka immediately puts one in his wallet next to the picture of me and him.

Time skip gender reveal.

"Ok ready on the count of three!"
"3!!" Everyone yells. Blue powder comes out the tubes.

"It's a boy!" Iruka screams excitedly. He kneels down in front of my stomach I can't wait to meet you my baby boy!" He kisses my stomach and comes up to plant a kiss on my lips. "Thank you for everything my love!" He says giving me a big bear hug.


This is the end of the story. I'm sorry it took me so long to finish this. I wrote the rest and decided to upload it all at the same time I feel like I owed it to you guys. Anyways much love to talk and thank you for reading! ❤️❤️

(P.s I changed my name and profile pic lol sorry if y'all didn't recognize it ❤️)

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