Chapter ten

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I know it's been awhile sorry guys. I hope you enjoy this chapter! ☺️❤️

We make it back to my apartment and I let Naruto in and he goes straight to his room leaving me and Iruka alone in the living room. "do you wanna join me on the roof?" I ask iruka. I always like going to the roof top and watch the stars it just help me relax. "yea"

Were on the roof with a comrftable silence wtching the sky. "Babe?" Iruka says quietly. "Yes my love?" I turn to look at him and see he has a face like he's worried. "What's wrong my love are you ok?" "I'm fine. Ummm I was wondering if you'd move in with me and live with me. And of course Naruto." I'm so happy that he ask me to move in with him that i jump into his arms and start kissing him all over. "Yes! I'll move in with you!" I feel him give me a tight hug before separating me from him and he leans in giving me a sweet and passionate kiss. "I love you so much (y/n)!!" "I love you too Iruka!"

We head back inside to my room. "I'm gonna jump in the shower." "Can I join?" Iruka says with a smirk on his face. I slowly start to take off my clothes and head to the bathroom not answering back Iruka. I start the water and wait for the water to get warm before jumping in. As I'm standing under the water letting it fall on me I hear the door open and the curtain open. Iruka joins me in the shower. We switch places him being under the water. He grabs a washcloth putting soap on it he starts to wash my body. Touching every part of my body.

We switch places again and I rinse my body and do the same for Iruka as he did for me. He rinses off and we exit the bathroom. We get dressed and lay under the covers. Cuddling each other. "I can't wait to start living with you. Being able to sleep next to you every night and being able to wake up next to every morning. What did I do to deserve such a beautiful girlfriend like you? I love you (y/n)!" He kisses my forehead. I feel a tear go down my cheek from his sweet little speech. He so cute and amazing. "I love you to Iruka. To the moon and back. You and I against everyone else." I say kissing his chest. Soon we both fall asleep.
————————Time Skip————————
We're finally moved into our new house. It was perfect to have my own little family.

Iruka POV
I left (y/n) in the house as I make my way to find Kakashi. I know he's probably at the training field with his team so that's where I'll check first.

I finally reach the training field to see him training the kids. I wait leaning on the tree for them to take a break.
"Hey Iruka whats up?" Kakashi says walking towards me. "Hey Iruka sensei!" Naruto says walking toward me as well. "I wanted to talk to you about something." "Hey Naruto give us a minute please?" He says turning to look at Naruto. "No he can stay. Actually I need to talk to both of you." I'm worried on what they'll think   Oh god I hope he won't kill me.

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