Chapter four

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"So I heard you kissed my little sister. Care to explain Iruka!" Kakashi says trying to intimidate Iruka. "Uh-uh... yea I... did."

"So what do you plan on doing now? what are your intentions with my little sis. you should know I wont hesitate to hurt you Iruka!"

"umm..." Iruka begins to talk with a sweat  drop. "I... really do like... your sister! I don't have any intentions of hurting her!"

Kakashi looks at Iruka with a serious look plastered on his face.
"Oh hey that's where guys have been" (y/n) states while running up to the guys.
Kakashi mouths "say anything about our talk and your dead" Iruka nods his head ok a little bit scared of Kakashi.
"Oh hey sis what's up!" Kakashi tried acting all innocent.
"Oh hey (y/n)" Iruka clears his throat " umm... so I was wondering (y/n) would you like to go on a date with me?"
You feel a blush coming on to your face "ye-"
"I mean if you want to! If you don't want to it's ok I under-" Iruka states interrupting you before you could answer.
You interrupt him as well as you kiss his cheek and saying "I would love to Iruka!"
"Smooth real smooth Iruka" Kakashi begins to laugh at Iruka.
"Kakabaka shut up leave him alone!" Giving Kakashi a death glare. "Shouldn't you be somewhere else reading that porn of yours?"
"It's not porn it erotica romance" he rolls his eyes and begins to walk away "remember what I told you Iruka"
Iruka straightens up "y-yes"
"What you guys talk about?" You ask Iruka
"U-uh nothing" he sweat-drops while rubbing the back of his neck. "So (y/n) should I pick you up around 8 for our date?"
"Yea that would be great!"
Sorry it's a short chapter. But here's to another chapter lol 😂

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